Macaraeg v. E Care Contact Centers Ltd.
- 2006 BCSC 1851
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2008 BCCA 182
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2008 CanLII 53790 (SCC)
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
Advising British Columbia Businesses
(Current to: August 01 2024)
Chapter 10. Advising a Business on Labour and Employment Issues
- III. Managing the Employment Relationship [§10.18]
Chapter 10. Advising a Business on Labour and Employment Issues
Employment Standards in British Columbia: Annotated Legislation and Commentary
(Current to: June 01 2024)
Chapter 10. Employment Standards Act—Part 10—Investigations, Complaints and Determinations
V. Section 76—Review and Investigation of Complaints [§10.12]
- A. Commentary and Annotations to Section 76 [§10.13]
V. Section 76—Review and Investigation of Complaints [§10.12]
Chapter 14. Employment Standards Act—Part 14—General Provisions
- III. Section 118—Right to Sue Preserved [§14.4]
Chapter 10. Employment Standards Act—Part 10—Investigations, Complaints and Determinations
Small Claims Act and Rules: Annotated
(Current to: November 01 2024)
Chapter 3. Small Claims Act, Section 3—Claims the Court May Hear
I. Section 3—Claims the Court May Hear [§3.1]
- G. Claims the Court Cannot Hear [§3.47]
I. Section 3—Claims the Court May Hear [§3.1]
Chapter 3. Small Claims Act, Section 3—Claims the Court May Hear