Ocean Port Hotel Ltd. v. British Columbia (General Manager, Liquor Control & Licensing Branch)
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Administrative Law Practice Manual
(Current to: May 01 2023)
Chapter 1. An Overview of Administrative Law
- V. Sources of Complexity in Administrative Law [§1.12]
Chapter 3. Administrative Decision-making
IV. Limits on the Jurisdiction of Decision-makers [§3.10]
- D. Common-law Limits [§3.14]
IV. Limits on the Jurisdiction of Decision-makers [§3.10]
Chapter 4. Impartiality and Independence
- V. Institutional Bias [§4.32]
VI. The Law of Independence [§4.39]
- G. Legislative Ouster [§4.46]
- H. Constitutional Independence Guarantees and Administrative Tribunals [§4.51]
- Chapter 5. Pre-hearing Considerations in Administrative Law
Chapter 11. Judicial Review Fundamentals
V. Grounds for Review and Applicable Standard of Review [§11.33]
- A. Reviews for Procedural Fairness [§11.34]
V. Grounds for Review and Applicable Standard of Review [§11.33]
Chapter 1. An Overview of Administrative Law
Civil Appeal Handbook
(Current to: January 01 2023)
Chapter 7. Post-hearing Matters
IV. Appeals from Court of Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada [§7.61]
- A. Jurisdiction of Court of Appeal Pending Further Appeal [§7.62]
IV. Appeals from Court of Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada [§7.61]
Chapter 7. Post-hearing Matters