MacKenzie v. Rogalasky
- 2011 BCSC 54
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2011 BCSC 1498 (Registrar)
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2012 BCSC 156 (Registrar)
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2013 BCSC 830
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2014 BCCA 446
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2015 CanLII 26228 (SCC)
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Civil Trial Handbook
(Current to: August 08 2024)
Chapter 14. Costs in Supreme Court
- IV. Awards of Costs [§14.4]
Chapter 14. Costs in Supreme Court
British Columbia Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 13. Assessment of Damages in Motor Vehicle Accident Claims
VIII. Special Damages in Motor Vehicle Accident Claims [§13.66]
- A. The Test for Special Damages [§13.67]
- B. Types of Special Damages [§13.68]
VIII. Special Damages in Motor Vehicle Accident Claims [§13.66]
Chapter 17. Costs and Interest in Motor Vehicle Accident Claims
VII. Assessment of Costs and Disbursements [§17.66]
- E. Disbursements [§17.77]
VII. Assessment of Costs and Disbursements [§17.66]
Chapter 13. Assessment of Damages in Motor Vehicle Accident Claims
Plus TC&D: The Assessment of Costs and Disbursements in Motor Vehicle Injury Litigation
(Current to: June 01 2022)
Chapter 3. Disbursements in Motor Vehicle Actions
- I. How Disbursements Are Assessed [§3.1]
- V. Specific Disbursements Awards [§3.5]
A. In the Tort Action [§3.6]
- 11. Experts and Expert Report Fees [§3.20]
- 17. Interest [§3.37]
- 22. Legal Fees [§3.42]
- 30. Photocopies [§3.53]
- 31. Postage [§3.56]
- 39. Transcription of Medical Records [§3.64]
- 42. Trust Administration Fee [§3.71]
- B. Disbursements in the Part 7 Action [§3.75]
A. In the Tort Action [§3.6]
Chapter 3. Disbursements in Motor Vehicle Actions
Practice Before the Registrar
(Current to: May 01 2023)
Chapter 2. Assessment of Costs before the Registrar
- IV. General Principles of Costs Assessment [§2.24]
- VII. Disbursements (Civil and Family Cases) [§2.58]
Chapter 2. Assessment of Costs before the Registrar