MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Binstead
- (1983), 14 E.T.R. 269 (B.C.S.C.)
- Go to Quicklaw for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Business Disputes
(Current to: August 01 2016)
Chapter 2. Fiduciary Duty
- VII. Remedies [§2.31]
Chapter 14. Damages and Other Remedies
- I. The Distinction Between Common Law Damages and Other Forms of Monetary Compensation [§14.1]
X. Equitable Remedies [§14.54]
A. Restitution [§14.55]
- 1. Restitution and Unjust Enrichment [§14.56]
C. Accountings of Profits [§14.66]
- 2. When Is an Accounting Remedy Available? [§14.68]
- 4. Who Is Liable to Account [§14.73]
- 5. The Calculation of “Profit” [§14.74]
- D. Tracing [§14.76]
A. Restitution [§14.55]
Chapter 2. Fiduciary Duty