More Marine Ltd. v. Shearwater Marine Ltd.
- 2011 BCSC 166 (Chambers)
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 4. Discovery
- III. Examination for Discovery in a Civil Action [§4.57]
Chapter 4. Discovery
Discovery Practice in British Columbia
(Current to: January 15 2024)
Chapter 2. Document Discovery
II. Duty to Disclose Documents [§2.2]
- D. Scope of Document Discovery [§2.12]
III. Document Discovery from Parties [§2.52]
- F. Attacking Adequacy of Another Party’s Document Discovery [§2.61]
II. Duty to Disclose Documents [§2.2]
Chapter 3. Examination for Discovery
- VIII. Mechanics of the Examination for Discovery [§3.53]
XII. What Matters May Be Examined in a Discovery [§3.64]
- A. General Principles Guiding the Scope of Examinations for Discovery [§3.65]
- B. Questions That May and May Not Be Asked on an Examination for Discovery [§3.69]
XIV. Defending the Examination for Discovery [§3.122]
- C. Counsel’s Conduct and Demeanour During the Examination for Discovery [§3.131]
- E. Talking to the Witness during Examination for Discovery [§3.168]
Chapter 2. Document Discovery
Supreme Court Chambers Orders: Annotated
(Current to: December 01 2022)
Chapter 7. Procedures for Ascertaining Facts (SCCR Part 7)
- I. Rule 7-1(10) to (14) —Compliance with Demand for Required Documents or Production of Additional Documents [§7.1]
Chapter 7. Procedures for Ascertaining Facts (SCCR Part 7)