M. (S.M.) v. H. (J.P.)
- 2012 BCSC 1825
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2015 BCSC 1666
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2016 BCCA 284
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Family Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 16. Varying Orders and Challenging Family Agreements in Supreme Court
III. Applying to Alter Orders Respecting the Care of Children [§16.13]
- C. Change of Circumstances Test to Alter an Order for Care of a Child [§16.16]
III. Applying to Alter Orders Respecting the Care of Children [§16.13]
Chapter 16. Varying Orders and Challenging Family Agreements in Supreme Court
Family Law Sourcebook for British Columbia
(Current to: October 15 2024)
Chapter 2. Parenting and Care of Children
VIII. Best Interests of the Child Test [§2.27]
- A. Best Interests of the Child under the Divorce Act [§2.28]
- XII. Changing Parenting Orders [§2.67]
VIII. Best Interests of the Child Test [§2.27]
Chapter 9. Discovery and Financial Disclosure in Family Law
- VII. Consequences of Non-disclosure or Inadequate Disclosure [§9.20]
Chapter 2. Parenting and Care of Children