Mercedes-Benz AG v. Leiduck
- [1995] 3 All E.R. 929 (P.C.)
- Go to BaiLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Creditors’ Remedies: An Annotated Guide
(Current to: July 01 2022)
Chapter 4. Injunctions and Preservation Orders
- II. Mareva Injunctions (Orders for Preservation of Assets) [§4.2]
Chapter 4. Injunctions and Preservation Orders
Injunctions: British Columbia Law and Practice
(Current to: April 01 2022)
Chapter 2. Mareva, Preservation, and Anton Piller Orders
II. Mareva Injunctions [§2.2]
- D. Jurisdiction for Granting a Mareva Injunction in British Columbia [§2.8]
II. Mareva Injunctions [§2.2]
Chapter 2. Mareva, Preservation, and Anton Piller Orders