McLaren v. Casey
- 2016 BCSC 169
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Family Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 2. Building Effective Relationships
III. Meeting the Prospective Family Law Client [§2.11]
A. The Initial Consultation with a Family Client [§2.12]
- 5. Assessing and Explaining the Potential Client’s Options [§2.23]
A. The Initial Consultation with a Family Client [§2.12]
III. Meeting the Prospective Family Law Client [§2.11]
Chapter 6. Working toward Settlement
IV. Arbitrating a Family Law Dispute [§6.36]
- A. Introduction to Arbitration and Med-Arb [§6.37]
- B. The Role of Arbitration in Family Law Disputes [§6.38]
- G. Applications to Change, Set Aside, or Appeal Arbitration Awards [§6.47]
IV. Arbitrating a Family Law Dispute [§6.36]
Chapter 2. Building Effective Relationships
Family Law Agreements: Annotated Precedents
(Current to: November 15 2024)
Chapter 17. Concluding Clauses
- I. Dispute Resolution, Legal Proceedings, and Costs [§17.1]
Chapter 17. Concluding Clauses