Mortimer v. Bender
- 2020 BCSC 483
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
Annotated Estates Practice
(Current to: December 01 2024)
- Chapter 2. Supreme Court Civil Rules 25-1 to 25-16 and Related Forms—Annotated
- Chapter 35. Power of Attorney Act—Annotated
British Columbia Probate and Estate Administration Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 4. Proceedings Relating to Estate Grants
II. Notice of Dispute in Estate Grant [§4.2]
- B. Procedure Relating to Notice of Dispute in Estate Grant [§4.4]
II. Notice of Dispute in Estate Grant [§4.2]
Chapter 15. Accounts in Estate Administration
- IV. The Personal Representative’s Accounts [§15.8]
Chapter 4. Proceedings Relating to Estate Grants
Estate Disputes in British Columbia: A Litigator’s Guide
(Current to: January 15 2024)
Chapter 2. Notices of Dispute in Estate Litigation
- II. Filing a Notice of Dispute [§2.4]
Chapter 6. Proceeding with Estate Litigation
II. Initiating Estate Litigation Proceedings [§6.15]
- A. Choosing the Correct Form of Proceeding [§6.16]
II. Initiating Estate Litigation Proceedings [§6.15]
Chapter 16. Disputes Regarding Attorneys
- V. Claims Made after the Donor’s Death [§16.32]
Chapter 2. Notices of Dispute in Estate Litigation