Mackaroff v. Rico Holdings Ltd.
- [1985] B.C.J. No. 2915 (QL) (S.C.)
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Real Estate Development Practice Manual
(Current to: December 01 2022)
Chapter 8. Subdivision Regulation
IV. Subdivision Application Review Procedures [§8.14]
- A. Land Title Act Subdivision Plans [§8.15]
- C. Preliminary Subdivision Approval [§8.25]
IV. Subdivision Application Review Procedures [§8.14]
Chapter 8. Subdivision Regulation
British Columbia Strata Property Practice Manual
(Current to: January 01 2024)
Chapter 3. The Strata Plan
II. The Strata Plan [§3.2]
- D. Strata Plan Approvals [§3.6]
II. The Strata Plan [§3.2]
Chapter 3. The Strata Plan