MacKay v. Ellis, Acting Registrar of Title
- (1989), 5 R.P.R. (2d) 113 (B.C.S.C.)
The above case is referenced within:
Land Title Practice Manual
(Current to: August 01 2024)
Chapter 7. Land Title Act Part 7 (ss. 58 to 120) —Descriptions and Plans
II. Legislation and Commentary [§7.2]
Chapter 23. Land Title Act Part 21 (ss. 308 to 314) —Appeals
II. Legislation and Overview [§23.2]
Chapter 25. Land Title Act Part 23 (ss. 322 to 365) —Special Surveys
II. Legislation and Commentary [§25.2]
Chapter 31. Land Title Act Part 25 (ss. 374 to 394) —Miscellaneous
II. Legislation and Commentary [§31.2]