Molly B. Stevens, Re
- (30 August 2021), 2021 BCEST 71 (Thornicroft)
- (4 January 2022), 2022 BCEST 1 (Thornicroft)
The above case is referenced within:
Employment Standards in British Columbia: Annotated Legislation and Commentary
(Current to: June 01 2024)
Chapter 8. Employment Standards Act—Part 8—Termination of Employment
V. Section 65—Exceptions [§8.27]
A. Commentary and Annotations to Section 65 [§8.28]
Chapter 10. Employment Standards Act—Part 10—Investigations, Complaints and Determinations
VI. Section 77—Opportunity to Respond [§10.21]
Chapter 11. Employment Standards Act—Part 11—Enforcement
II. Section 87—Lien for Unpaid Wages [§11.2]