Multani (c.o.b. K-P Labour Contractors)
- (30 May 2011), BCEST #D047/11 (Seigel)
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
Employment Standards in British Columbia: Annotated Legislation and Commentary
(Current to: June 01 2024)
Chapter 3. Employment Standards Act—Part 3—Wages, Special Clothing, Records and Gratuities
V. Section 17—Paydays [§3.8]
- A. Commentary and Annotations to Section 17 [§3.9]
V. Section 17—Paydays [§3.8]
Chapter 15. Employment Standards Regulation B.C. Reg. 396/95
VI. Part 6—Interest and Penalties [§15.59]
- E. Section 29—Administrative Penalties [§15.65]
VI. Part 6—Interest and Penalties [§15.59]
Chapter 3. Employment Standards Act—Part 3—Wages, Special Clothing, Records and Gratuities