Munro v. Munro
- 2006 BCSC 1758
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
Family Law Sourcebook for British Columbia
(Current to: October 15 2024)
Chapter 6. Spousal Support
VII. Quantum (Amount and Duration) of Spousal Support [§6.28]
B. Application of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines [§6.30]
1. Determination of Income for Spousal Support [§6.31]
- a. Imputing Income for Spousal Support [§6.32]
1. Determination of Income for Spousal Support [§6.31]
B. Application of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines [§6.30]
VII. Quantum (Amount and Duration) of Spousal Support [§6.28]
Chapter 6. Spousal Support