JVD Installations Inc. v. Skookum Creek Power Partnership
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Builders Liens Practice Manual
(Current to: June 01 2023)
Chapter 2. Lien Claimants and How to File a Claim of Lien
- I. Introduction to Lien Claimants, Lien Holders, and Lien Rights [§2.1]
- IV. Liens and the Meaning of Subcontractor [§2.19]
Chapter 3. The Lienable Interest
VI. Liens against Special Categories of Land [§3.23]
- B. Liens on Improvements Involving Multiple Lands [§3.25]
- E. Easements, Contingent Interests, and Other Lesser Interests [§3.34]
VI. Liens against Special Categories of Land [§3.23]
Chapter 6. Loss or Discharge of Lien
- IV. Discharging the Expired or Clearly Invalid Lien: Section 25 [§6.31]
Chapter 12. Solicitor’s Liability under the Builders Lien Act
II. Solicitor’s Liability under the Builders Lien Act [§12.2]
- B. Sources of Potential Solicitor’s Liability under the Builders Lien Act [§12.4]
II. Solicitor’s Liability under the Builders Lien Act [§12.2]
Chapter 2. Lien Claimants and How to File a Claim of Lien
Land Title Practice Manual
(Current to: August 01 2024)
Chapter 37. Builders Lien Act, S.B.C. 1997, c. 45
- II. Legislation and Commentary [§37.2]
Chapter 37. Builders Lien Act, S.B.C. 1997, c. 45