R. v. Eurosport Auto Co. Ltd.
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 1. Preliminary Matters in a Motor Vehicle Accident File
V. Coverage Counsel [§1.30]
B. Breach of the Policy [§1.43]
1. Terms and Conditions of the Vehicle Policy [§1.44]
- d. Violation of a Term or Condition of the Plan or Optional Vehicle Insurance after Any Loss [§1.56]
1. Terms and Conditions of the Vehicle Policy [§1.44]
B. Breach of the Policy [§1.43]
V. Coverage Counsel [§1.30]
Chapter 18. Recovery and Subrogation under the Insurance (Vehicle) Act
III. Recovery under the Insurance (Vehicle) Act and Regulation [§18.3]
- D. Other ICBC Rights of Recovery [§18.7]
III. Recovery under the Insurance (Vehicle) Act and Regulation [§18.3]
Chapter 1. Preliminary Matters in a Motor Vehicle Accident File