Online Practice Manuals

Cases Cited - Beginning with G

Use these listings to learn more about individual cases in our online practice manuals.

Style of Cause Citation
Arton Holdings Ltd. v. Gateway Realty Ltd.
B.M.G. v. S.J.S.
E.B.G. v. S.M.B.
G. (A.) v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Family and Child Service)  
G. (A.) v. Equiticorp Industries Ltd.
G. (A.C.) v. G. (G.S.)  
G. (A.N.), Re  
G. (B.) v. British Columbia  
G. (C.D.) v. P. (D.J.)  
G. (D.) v. M. (R.)  
G. (D.L.) v. G. (R.A.)  
G. (D.L.) v. G. (R.A.)  
G. (D.L.) v. S. (S.M.)
G. (D.P.) v. G. (M.A.)  
G. (E.) v. D. (E.)  
G. (E.D.) v. Hammer
G. (G.) v. A. (M.)
G. (G.) v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
G. (G.C.) v. T. (M.J.)
G. (H.) v. G. (K.)  
G. (H.V.) v. T. (L.E.)
G. (J.D.) v. G. (S.L.)
G. (J.D.) v. M. (H.M.L.)  
G. (J.J.) v. A. (K.M.)
G. (J.P.) v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Family and Child Services)
G. (J.P.) v. G. (V.S.)
G. (J.R.I.) v. Tyhurst
G. (J.V.) v. T. (E.)
G. (K.) v. B. (K.K.)  
G. (K.K.) v. G. (D.P.S.)  
G. (L.) v. B. (G.)
G. (L.) v. G. (R.)
G. (L.E.) v. G. (A.)
G. (L.G.) v. G. (D.K.)  
G. (L.J.) v. B. (N.)
G. (M.G.) v. T. (C.E.)  
G. (M.L.) v. G. (K.L.)  
G. (M.S.) v. R. (S.K.)  
G. (N.V.) v. G. (T.M.)  
G. (O.L.) v. G. (D.C.)  
G. (P.) v. G. (D.)
G. (P.S.) v. G. (S.K.)
G. (R.D.) v. R. (J.M.)
G. (S.) v. G. (K.)
G. (S.) v. G. (M.)  
G. (S.A.) v. Numella  
G. (S.J.) v. G. (P.D.)  
G.A. Borstad Associates Ltd.  
G.A. Fletcher Music Co.  
G.A.P. Contracting Ltd. v. Canadian Equipment Rentals Ltd.  
G.A.W. v. C.M.P.  
G.B. v. D.B.
G.C. Farms Ltd.  
G.C. McDonald Supply Ltd. v. Preston Heights Estates Ltd.  
G.D. Johnson Ltd. v. Royal Bank of Canada
G. Elmitt Construction Ltd. v. Kaplan
G. Ford Homes Ltd. v. Draft Masonry (York) Co. Ltd. 1983 CanLII 1719 (ON CA)
G.G. v. J.C.  
G. Gordon Foster Developments Ltd. v. Langley (Township)
G.K.D. v. C.S.D.
G.K. Thomas Law Corp. v. Clermont  
G.K. v. C.K.  
G. King Photo-Colour Ltd.  
G.L. v. J.K.  
G.M.1 v. Mr. G.M.2  
G. Mida Construction Ltd. v. Imperial Developments (International) Ltd. [1978] 5 W.W.R. 577 (Man. C.A.)
G.N.S.A. v. L.A.R.
G.S.G. v. N.C.  
G.S. Kang & Sons Investments Ltd.  
G.S.R. Capital Group Inc. v. White Rock (City)
G.S.V. Enterprises Ltd.  
G.W.L. Properties Ltd. v. W.R. Grace & Co.—Conn.
G.W.L. Properties Ltd. v. W.R. Grace & Co. of Canada  
G.W.L. Properties Ltd. v. W.R. Grace & Co. of Canada  
G.W.L. Properties Ltd. v. W.R. Grace & Co. of Canada
G.W.L. Properties Ltd. v. W.R. Grace & Co. of Canada  
G&G Education Development Corp. v. Langley Flying School, Inc.
G & K Labour Contracting Ltd.  
G & K Services Canada Inc. v. Domingos Meat Packers Ltd.
G-8 Properties Inc. v. Fort St. John Retail Limited Partnership  
Gabbs v. Bouwhuis
Gabor v. Boilard  
Gaboury v. Ansell  
Gackowski, Re
Gadbois v. Strata Plan NES 206  
Gadhri v. 0760815 B.C. Ltd.
Gadhri v. Dhanoa  
Gadhri v. Dhanoa  
Gadsby v. British Columbia (Attorney General)  
Gadsby v. British Columbia (Attorney General)  
Gadsby v. MacGillivray [1997] B.C.J. No. 1564 (QL) (S.C.)
Gaebel v. Lipka
Gaebel v. Lipka  
Gaerber v. Gaerber  
Gaffney, Re
Gagnon v. Beaulieu
Gagnon v. Canada  
Gagnon v. College of Pharmacists  
Gagnon v. Foundation Maritime Ltd. [1961] S.C.R. 435
Gagnon v. Petke
Gagnon v. Sussey
Gagno v. Singh  
Gaida Estate v. McLeod  
Gaiga v. Hawkins  
Gaigg v. Assessor of Area 19—Kelowna 2006 PAABBC 20061322
Gainers Inc. v. Edmonton Oilers Hockey Corp.  
Gainer v. Widsten  
Gain v. Gain
Gain v. Gain
Gajdzik v. Gajdzik
Gajie v. Lam  
Gajjar v. Gajjar  
Gajowski v. Gajowski
Galambos v. Perez
Galaske v. O’Donnell
Galati v. Canada (Governor General)  
Galati v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Galaxia Maritime SA v. Mineralimportexport
Galaxy Sports Inc., Re
Galaxy Sports Inc. v. Umbro Holdings Ltd. 2005 BCSC 278
Galbeirz v. Galbeirz  
Galbraith, Re
Galbraith v. Superintendent of Family and Child Service  
Galcor Hotel Managers Ltd. v. Imperial Financial Services Ltd.  
Gale and Gale, Re
Gale Estate v. Hominick
Galena Contractors Ltd. v. Zarelli  
Gale v. Dawson  
Gale v. Gale  
Gale v. Knapp  
Galiano Conservancy Assn. v. British Columbia (Ministry of Transportation & Highways)  
Galiano Conservancy Assn. v. British Columbia (Ministry of Transportation and Highways)
Galiano Conservancy Association v. Capital Regional District
Gall, Legge, Grant & Munroe LLP v. College of Veterinarians of British Columbia  
Gallagher (c.o.b. Bristol Fashion Brightwork & Custom Canvas)  
Gallagher (c.o.b. Mid Mountain Contracting)  
Gallagher Holdings Ltd. v. Unison Resources Inc.
Gallagher v. Hirsh
Gallagher v. Hunt
Gallant v. Beitz  
Gallant v. Capital Health Region
Gallant v. F.W. Woolworth Co. Ltd.  
Gallant v. Fenety 2000 CanLII 6103 (NB QB)
Gallant v. Gallant  
Gallant v. Gallant  
Gallant v. Houde
Gallen v. Allstate Grain Co. Ltd. 1984 CanLII 752 (BC CA)
Gallien v. R.  
Galliford v. Galliford  
Galligos v. Louis
Gallop v. Abdoulah
Gallo v. Gallo
Galloway Estate, Re
Galloway Estate v. British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals  
Galloway Lumber Co. v. Assessor of Area 22—East Kootenay 1989 CanLII 5316 (BC CA)
Galloway v. A.B.
Galloway v. Barski
Galloway v. Broderick (Approving Officer)
Galloway v. Galloway
Galloway v. Galloway  
Galpin v. Galpin  
Galter Holdings Ltd.
Gal v. Talling  
Galvon v. Hopkins
Galway Capital Corp. v. Nikolov  
Gamache v. Warman  
Gamble v. Brown
Gamble v. Hawke
Gambouras v. Swan
Gamlaxyeltxw v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations)
Gammell v. Wilson  
Gandham v. Gandham  
Gandhi v. Santos  
Ganger v. St. Paul’s Hospital
Ganges Kangro Properties Ltd. v. Shepard
Gannon v. Gannon
Ganong v. Gault  
Ganser v. Rosewood Estates Condominium Corp. (No. 1)  
Gant v. Berube 2013 BCSC 1721
Gao v. Dietrich  
Garami-Balmer Estate v. Hrehirchuk
Garayt v. Deneumoustier
Garber v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Garbutt v. British Columbia (Social Development)  
Garbutt v. Burbank  
Garbutt v. Strata Plan BCS 3444  
Garcha Bros. Meat Shop Ltd. v. Singh  
Garcha Bros. Meat Shop Ltd. v. Singh  
Garcha v. 690174 B.C. Ltd.
Garcha v. Gill  
Garcha v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Garcia v. Bernath
Garcia v. Crestbrook Forest Industries Ltd.
Garcia v. Garcia  
Garcia v. MacKinnon
Garcia v. Newmar Windows Manufacturing  
Garcia v. Tahoe Resources Inc.
Garda v. Osborne  
Gardeli’s Restaurant Ltd.  
Gardezi v. Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3495
Gardezi v. The Positive Living Society of British Columbia
Gardiner v. MacDonald  
Gardi v. MacIsaac, Clark & Co.  
Gardner Construction Ltd. v. Parksville (City)
Gardner Estate v. Parker  
Gardner v. Coutts & Co.  
Gardner v. Strata Plan LMS 3459  
Gardner v. Unimet Investments Ltd.
Gardner v. Viridis Energy Inc.
Gardner v. Williams Lake (City)
Gardom v. MacDonald  
Gardon Construction Ltd. v. McConnell  
Garfield Chiropractic Corp. v. Assessor of Area 27—Peace River 2010 PAABBC 20101737
Garibaldi Springs Resort Hotel Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 8—Vancouver Sea to Sky 2010 PAABBC 20100023
Gariepy v. Gariepy  
Garland v. Consumers’ Gas Co.
Garland v. Consumers’ Gas Co.
Garland v. Newhouse
Garman v. Rahmanifar
Garner and Gavan, Re  
Garner v. Garner  
Garnier v. Kilkenny and Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Garousi v. Garousi
Garrant v. Cawood
Garrett-Jones (Patients Property Act), Re
Garrett v. Garrett  
Garrick Automotive Ltd.  
Garrioch v. Somex Construction Ltd.
Garritsen v. Garritsen  
Garritty v. Richmond Kinsmen Home Support Society  
Garron Family Trust v. Canada
Garrow v. Strata Plan LMS 1306  
Garrow v. Strata Plan LMS 1306 (No. 2)  
Garrow v. Strata Plan LMS 1306 (No. 3)  
Garry v. Pohlmann
Garry v. Sherritt Gordon Mines Ltd. 1987 CanLII 4897 (SK CA)
Garry v. Strata Plan EPS 2501  
Gartenberg v. Raymond
Garth A. Wright Law Corp. v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Garthwaite v. Sherwood  
Gartland v. Strata Plan NW 385  
Gartley v. Bolkan  
Gartman v. Hancheroff  
Gartner v. Baumeister  
Gartside and v. Inland Revenue Commissioners
Gary Hammonds Ltd. v. Dikei Enterprises Corp.  
Gary Jackson Holdings Ltd. v. Eden
Gary Young Agencies Ltd. v. McComber  
Gascoigne v. Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Co.
Gasior v. Bayes
Gasior v. Bayes  
Gaskin v. Retail Credit Co.  
Gaspar, Najera, Phan, Simon, and Villahermosa  
Gasparin v. Rusinski  
Gaspari v. Creighton Holdings Ltd.  
Gaspar v. MacDonald  
GasTOPS Ltd. v. Forsyth 2012 ONCA 134
Gates v. MacDougall  
Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Ltd., Re  
Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Ltd. v. BCGEU  
Gateway Casinos LP v. British Columbia Government and Service Employees’ Union
Gateway City Church v. Canada (National Revenue)  
Gateway File Systems, Inc.  
Gateway File Systems Inc.
Gateway Pizza and Pasta Ltd.  
Gateway RV Works v. Giscome Contracting Ltd.  
Gateway Village Investments Ltd. v. Sybra Food Services Ltd.
Gateway West Management Corp.  
Gathe v. Gathe
Gatsby Enterprises (Kelowna) Ltd. v. Gatsby Kelowna (1976) Ltd.  
Gatti v. Savin  
GATX Corp. v. Hawker Siddeley Canada Inc.  
Gatx Corporate Leasing Inc. v. William Day Construction Ltd.
Gatzke v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gatzke v. Sidhu  
Gaudet v. Mair
Gaudin v. Strata Plan LMS 2140  
Gaudiuso v. Walker
Gaudreault v. Gobeil
Gauld (Guardian ad litem of) v. Jameson  
Gautam v. Canada Line Rapid Transit Inc. 2010 BCSC 163, 81 C.P.C. (6th) 179, 73 C.C.L.T. (3d) 247
Gautam v. South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority
Gauthier v. Dubois  
Gauthier v. Gauthier  
Gauthier v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gavin Homes Ltd. v. Coma Construction Ltd.
Gavin v. Kettle Valley Railway (No. 2)  
Gavita Canada Inc. v. National Grower Supply Inc.  
Gavriel v. Gavriel  
Gawdun v. Lord
Gawlick v. Lim
Gay (Guardian ad litem of) v. UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America
Gaya v. Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)  
Gayhart (Estate) v. Schanck  
Gaylor v. Galiano Trading Co.
GBC Banking Software Corp.  
GC Auto Supplies Ltd.  
GCT Canada Ltd. Partnership v. Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
GC’s Door Express 2007 Ltd.  
GDC Gatineau Development Corp. v. Canada (Minister of Public Works and Government Services) 2009 FC 1295
GDL Solutions Inc. v. Walker  
GDP Investments Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 5—Port Alberni 1999 CanLII 5261 (BC SC) (Chambers)
GDP Investments Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 5—Port Alberni 2001 PAABBC 20004790
GEAC Canada Ltd. v. Prologic Computer Corp.  
GEAC Canada Ltd. v. Prologic Computer Corp.  
GEAC Canada Ltd. v. Prologic Computer Corp.  
Geachman (Trustee of) v. Geachman Estate  
Geary v. Clifton Co. Ltd.  
Geary v. Geary
Gebert v. Wilson  
Gebhart Estate v. Canada  
Geboers v. Geboers  
Gebresadik v. Tesfay  
GE Canada Equipment Financing G.P. v. ING Insurance Co. of Canada
GE Capital Canada Acquisitions Inc. v. Dix Performance (Trustee of)
GE Capital Canada v. Bank of Montreal 2003 BCSC 1180 (Chambers)
Gecho v. BCAA Insurance Corp.  
Gedak v. Gedak  
Gedge v. Hearing Aid Practitioners Board  
Gee, Re  
Geekie v. Wilding  
Gee Nam John v. Byung Kyu Lee  
Geeraert (c.o.b. Granny’s Laundromat)  
Gee v. Bock  
Gee v. Strata Plan EPS 2461  
Gee v. Tremain  
Gefen v. Gaertner
Geffen v. Goodman Estate
Gegg v. Bassett  
Gehlen v. Rana
Gehl v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Gehring v. Chevron Canada Ltd.
Geigy (Can.) Ltd. v. British Columbia (Minister of Finance)  
Geisser v. City of Prince George
Geldon v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)  
Gelinas (Guardian ad litem of) v. Gelinas  
Gelinas v. John Doe and Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gellen v. British Columbia (Public Guardian and Trustee of)  
Geller v. Sable Resources Ltd.  
Gellie v. Naylor  
Geluch v. Geluch Estate
Gemex Development Corp. v. Assessor of Area 12—Coquitlam
Gemex Developments Corp. v. Assessor of Area 12—Coquitlam (1993), SC 338 (B.C.S.C.)
Gemex Developments Corp. v. Assessor of Area 12—Tri-Cities-Northeast Fraser Valley 1999 PAABBC 19990446
Gemex Developments Corp. v. Assessor of Area No. 12—Coquitlam  
Gemex Developments Corp. v. CH2M Gore & Storrie Ltd.  
Gemex Developments Corp. v. Sekora  
Gemini Helicopters Inc. v. Cappsco International Corp.  
Gemmell v. Reddicopp
Gemmell v. Reddicopp  
Gemmell v. Strata Plan LMS 2374  
Gemstone Travel Management Systems Inc. v Andrews  
Genera Investments Inc. v. Chester  
General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada v. Lornex Mining Corp. Ltd.  
General Accident Assurance Co. v. Chrusz
General Building Painting & Pressure Washing Ltd. v. Vozza  
General Electric Capital Equipment Finance Inc. v. Inland Kenworth Ltd.
General Electric Co. v. Joiner  
General Electric Co. v. Joiner  
General Motors Acceptance Corp. v. Bank of Nova Scotia
General Motors of Canada Ltd. v. Johnson  
Generalov v. Strata Plan BCS 2498  
General Paint Ltd. v. Richmond School District No. 38  
General Securities Ltd. v. Brett’s Ltd.
Genesee Enterprises Ltd. v. Abou-Rached  
Genesis Industries Corp.  
Genetrack, Re  
Genevieve Holdings Ltd. v. Kamloops (City)  
Genevieve Holdings Ltd. v. Kamloops (City)  
Gengenbacher v. Smith  
Genghis Development Corp. v. Assessor of Area 6—Courtenay (24 March 2000), PAAB 1999-06-00019, appeal management order
Gennings v. Lum  
Genova v. Knight
Genstar Cement Ltd. v. Henfrey & Co.  
Genstar Ltd. v. Mission (District) 1981 CanLII 460 (BC CA)
Genstar Ltd. v. Mission (District) 1982 CanLII 256 (BC SC)
Gentile v. Midas Canada Inc.  
Gentis v. Strata Plan VR 368
Gentles v. City of Toronto Non-Profit Housing Corp.
Gentles v. Intelligarde International Inc.
Gentra Inc., Re  
Genworth Financial Mortgage Insurance Co. Canada v. Doan  
Genworth Financial Mortgage Insurance Co. of Canada v. Doan
Geophysical Service Inc. v. Sable Mary Seismic Inc.
George and Smith, Re  
George Estate, Re
George v. Daily
George v. George
George v. Harris  
George v. Heiltsuk First Nation  
George v. John Doe  
George v. McMahon
Georgia 50.4 Syndicate v. Butler
Georgia Homes Ltd. v. McNestry  
Geotivity Ltd.  
Gerber v. Johnston  
Gerbrandt v. Deleeuw  
Gergely v. Ellingson
Gerling v. Gerling
Germain v. Doak Shirref Lawyers LLP  
Germain v. Kapchinsky  
German Federal Court of Justice  
Germaniuk v. Strata Plan KAS 2849  
German v. Major
Germany (Federal Republic) v. Schreiber
Germyn v. Federici  
Gerrow v. Dorais  
Gerry Friesen v. Maxx Management Group Inc.  
Gerry Peters Masonry Ltd.  
Gershman v. Manitoba Vegetable Producers Marketing Board 1976 CanLII 1093 (MB CA)
Gerson, Re  
Gerstel v. Penticton (City) (1995), 9 B.C.L.R. (3d) 49 (S.C.)
Gerth v. Gerth  
Gervais (Guardian ad litem of) v. Yewdale
Gervais v. Poore  
Gerzymisch v. Assessor of Area 21—Nelson [1981] B.C.J. No. 1851 (QL) (S.C.)
Gescan v. Vancouver Green Electric Ltd.
Gestion Soprema Canada Inc. v. Nanji
Get Acceptance Corp. v. British Columbia (Registrar of Mortgage Brokers)  
Getronics Canada Inc. v. Powell Equipment Ltd.  
Getson v. Ocean Construction Supplies Ltd.  
Get the Picture Imaging Inc.  
Gettle Bros. Construction Co. Ltd. v. Alwinsal Potash of Canada Ltd. 1969 CanLII 659 (SK CA)
Getz, Re
Getzlaf v. Strata Plan VR 159  
Getz v. Opseth 2005 SKQB 69
G Group of Companies v. Assessor of Area 19—Kelowna 2005 PAABBC 20050013
Ghaeinizadeh v. Ku De Ta Capital Inc.
Ghag Enterprises Ltd. v. Strata Corp. K-68  
Ghag v. Ghag  
Ghaly v. Mand
Ghane v. Bhullar  
Ghangas v. Ghangas
Ghassemvand v. Premium Weatherstripping Inc.  
Ghavim v. Jamali
Ghidoni v. Ghidoni  
Ghimpelman v. Bercovici  
Ghislieri v. Ghislieri  
Ghuman v. Ghuman  
Ghuman v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Ghurani v. Ghurani  
GH v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Giachino v. Giachino  
Giacomelli Estate v. Canada (Attorney General)
Giang v. Clayton
Giannakos v. Langley Memorial Hospital  
Giatsios v. Dike  
Gibb Estate, Re
Gibbons v. Livingston
Gibbs v. Jalbert
Gibb v. Gibb  
Gibb v. Munroe and Schroeder  
Gibney v. Gilliland
Gibraltar Mines Ltd. v. British Columbia (Human Rights Tribunal)  
Gibralter Mines Ltd. v. Harvey  
Gibson v. Hermann-Blome  
Gibson v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gibson v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gibson v. Mihalcheon
Gibson v. Rickett
Gibson v. Vancouver (City) Approving Officer  
Gichuru v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
Gichuru v. British Columbia (Information and Privacy Commissioner)
Gichuru v. Law Society of British Columbia
Gichuru v. Law Society of British Columbia (No. 6)  
Gichuru v. Pallai
Gichuru v. Palmar Properties Inc.  
Gichuru v. Purewal  
Gichuru v. Purewal  
Gichuru v. Purewal  
Gichuru v. Smith
Gichuru v. The Law Society of British Columbia
Gichuru v. Vancouver Swing Society  
Giczi v. Kandola
Giddings Holdings Ltd. v. High  
Giddings v. Strata Plan BCS 3620  
Gidora v. Surrey (District)  
Giebelhaus v. Bell  
Giebelhaus v. Giebelhaus
Gieni Estate v. Romaniuk  
Gieni v. Richardson Estate
Gienow Windoor Ltd. v. Jovalco Group Corp.  
Gierc Jr. v. Wescon Cedar Products Ltd.  
Giesbrecht v. Canada Life Assurance Co.
Giesbrecht v. Chilliwack  
Giesbrecht v. Peace River Regional District
Giffen, Re
Gigliotti v. Conseil d’Administration du Collège des Grands Lacs  
Gigliotti v. Masev Communications Inc. 2004 BCSC 85
Gignac v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Gignac v. Rozylo  
Gignac v. Viera  
Giguère v. Canada  
Giguere v. Lajoie Lake Holdings Ltd.  
Gilbert v. Bottle  
Gilbert v. Gilbert  
Gilbert v. GMAC Leasco Corp.
Gilbert v. Nelson
Gilbert v. The Queen  
Gilchrist & Co. v. McGinn  
Gilchrist v. Centre City Real Estate Inc.
Gilchuk v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Gilead Sciences Inc. v. Teva Canada Ltd.
Giles v. Emde  
Giles v. Taylor  
Giles v. Warren  
Giles v. Westminster Savings and Credit Union 2006 BCSC 141
Giles v. Westminster Savings and Credit Union
Gilhespy v. Gilhespy  
Gill (Guardian ad litem of) v. Gill  
Gillespie, Re  
Gillespie v. 1766998 Ontario Inc.  
Gillespie v. Gill
Gillespie v. Gillespie
Gillespie v. Gillespie  
Gillespie v. Gillespie  
Gillespie v. Grant  
Gillespie v. Li  
Gillespie v. Pompeo  
Gillespie v. Yellow Cab Company Ltd.
Gill Estate, Re  
Gill Estate v. Greyhound Lines of Canada Ltd.
Gillett v. Gillett  
Gillett v. Nissen Volkswagon (1975), 58 D.L.R. (3d) 104 (Alta. S.C.T.D.)
Gillham v. Gillham  
Gillingham Estate, Re  
Gillis v. Ardies  
Gillis v. Bates  
Gillman v. Strege
Gill-Sager v. Sager
Gillson v. Gillson  
Gill v. A & P Fruit Growers Ltd.
Gill v. Bassi  
Gill v. Benipal
Gill v. Berticevic
Gill v. Borutski
Gill v. Bucholtz
Gill v. Canada  
Gill v. Canada  
Gill v. Canada  
Gill v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Gill v. Canadian Venture Exchange Inc.
Gill v. Carr  
Gill v. Delgado
Gill v. Dhaliwal  
Gill v. Dhaliwal  
Gill v. Dunlop-Miller
Gill v. Fowler
Gill v. Gill
Gill v. Gill
Gill v. Gill  
Gill v. Gill  
Gill v. Highland Pacific Mortgage Corp.
Gill v. Huber  
Gill v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gill v. Janzen  
Gill v. Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib Society
Gill v. Kaur  
Gill v. Kaur  
Gill v. Khan  
Gill v. Lai
Gill v. McChesney
Gill v. Mijatovic
Gill v. Morin  
Gill v. Murray 2001 BCHRT 34
Gill v. Novinc  
Gill v. Posthuma  
Gill v. Probert
Gill v. Radio India  
Gill v. Samra  
Gill v. Strata Plan EPS 4403
Gill v. Strata Plan KAS 2533  
Gill v. Wal-Mart Canada Corp.
Gill v. Widjaja
Gill v. Zhang  
Gillwood Estates v. North Cowichan (District)  
Gilmour v. Herrick  
Gilmour v. HMQBC  
Gilray Estates, Re  
Gilson v. 605541 B.C. Ltd.
Gimli Auto Ltd. v. BDO Dunwoody Ltd.
Gindis v. Brisbourne
Gingras v. Wijnhorst  
Ginter v. Ginter
Ginther v. Rainbow Management Ltd.
Gioris v. Ontario (Director, Disability Support Program)  
Girardet v. Crease & Co. 1987 CanLII 160 (BC SC)
Girard v. Girard
Girard v. Strata Plan VR 1364  
Giraud v. Giraud  
Girling v. Crown Cork and Seal Canada Inc.  
Girocredit Bank AG der Sparkassen v. Bader
Girocredit Bank Aktiengesellschaft Der Sparkassen v. Bader
Girocredit Bank Aktiengesellschaft Der Sparkassen v. Bader  
Girocredit Bank v. Bader
Gironda v. Gironda  
Girouard v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Girouard v. Canadian Judicial Council  
Giroux v. Martin
Giro v. Cunningham
Gisborne Design Services Ltd. v. Dawson Creek (City)  
Gish v. Hooper Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
Gisvold v. Hill
Gitga’at Development Corp. v. Hill
Gittings v. Caneco Audio-Publishers Inc.  
Gitwangak Indian Band v. David  
Gitxaala Nation v. British Columbia (Chief Gold Commissioner)  
Gitxaala Nation v. Canada
Giuffre v. Nevada Copper Corp.  
Giuliani v. Saville
Giuliani v. Saville
Giurlando (Litigation guardian of) v. Cammalleri  
Giustra v. Twitter, Inc.  
Giza v. Eastwood & Co.
Giza v. Sechelt School Bus Service Ltd.
GJS Capital Corp. v. Kirkham  
Glacier Park Lodge Ltd.
Glacier Resorts Ltd. v. British Columbia (Minister of Environment)
Gladiuk Contracting Ltd. v. Bright Developments Ltd.
Gladstone v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Gladue v. British Columbia (Attorney General)  
Gladwell (Litigation guardian of) v. Busletta
Gladwin Realty Corp. v. Canada  
Glahn v. Stipec  
Glanville v. Glanville
Glanville v. Moberg  
Glasner v. Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd.  
Glassco v. 554252 Saskatchewan Ltd.  
Glassford v. Canada  
Glasspool v. Everett  
Glazer v. Union Contractors Ltd. and Thornton
Glazewski v. Easterbrook  
Glazier v. Glazier  
Gleason v. Strata Plan LMS 3667  
Gleckman v. Glover  
Glegg v. Smith & Nephew Inc.
Gleizer v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Glencoe Express Inc., Re
Glendale Investment Corporation Ltd. v. McDonald  
Gleneagles Concerned Parents Society v. British Columbia Ferry Corp.  
Glenjud Enterprises v. Assessor of Area 15—Fraser Valley 2007 PAABBC 20071946
Glenko Enterprises Ltd. v. Ernie Keller Contractors Ltd.  
Glenlyon-Norfolk School Society v. Assessor of Area 1—Saanich-Capital
Glenn v. Seair Seaplanes Ltd.
Glen v. Glen  
Glenview Corp. v. Canada (Minister of Public Works) (1990), 34 F.T.R. 292 (F.C.T.D.)
Glenview Iron v. Smiths Falls (Corporation) 2012 ONSC 5378
Glenwood Industries Ltd. v. West 7th Avenue Development Ltd.  
Glenwood Label and Box Manufacturing  
Glesby v. MacMillian  
Glidurray Holdings Ltd. v. Qualicum Beach (Village)  
Glimmer Films Inc.  
Glivar v. Noble  
Global Banking Systems Inc. v. Datawest Solutions Inc.  
Global Chinese Press Inc. v. Zhang
Global Chinese Press Inc. v. Zhang  
Global Coal & Mining Pvt. Ltd. v. C.A.D. Mechanical Services (2003) Ltd.  
Global Connections Tours and Consolidators Inc. v. National Bank of Canada
Global Equity Corp. v. MKG Enterprises Corp.  
Global Fleet Management Inc. v. Deltaura Canada Inc.  
Global Internet Management Ltd. v. McLeod  
Globalive Wireless Management Corp. v. Public Mobile Inc.
Global Light Telecommunications Inc. v. GST Telecommunications Inc.  
Global Marine Systems Ltd. v. Canada (Transport)  
Globalnet Management Solutions Inc. v. Aviva Insurance Co. of Canada  
Global Pacific Concepts Inc. v. Strata Plan NW 141
Global Securities Corp. v. British Columbia (Executive Director, Securities Commission)  
Global West Development Ltd. v. 16380 Jane Street Inc.  
Globe and Mail Ltd. v. Boland  
Globe and Mail v. Canada (Attorney General)
Globe-Time Travel Ltd.  
Gloge Heating & Plumbing Ltd. v. Northern Construction Co. 1986 ABCA 3
Glo-Klen Distributors Ltd. v. B.C. Chemicals Ltd. 1959 CanLII 303 (BC CA)
Gloucester Properties Ltd. v. British Columbia (Environment and Land Use Committee)
Glover v. Leakey
Glowacki v. Nesbeth
Glynos v. Canada  
GMAC Commercial Credit Corp.—Canada v. TCT Logistics Inc.
GMAC Leaseco Ltd. v. Moncton Motor Home & Sales Inc.
GMAC Leaseco Ltd. v. Royal Bank
GMA Machinery Canada Ltd. v. Cartocci Imports Ltd.
GMC Properties Inc. v. Rampart Estates Ltd.  
GM Electric Ltd. v. Lin  
GM Electric Ltd. v. Lin  
Gnitrow Ltd. v. Cape plc  
GO2 D4 Construction v. Hrychiw  
Gobin (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia
Goch v. Strata Plan NW 2153  
Godara v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Godbout v. Notter
Godby Estate, Re
Goddard v. Day  
Goddard v. Smith
Godding v. Godding and Heffelfinger  
Goddyn v. Taylor  
Godelie v. Ontario (Public Trustee)  
Godfrey v. Bird
Godfrey v. Sony Corp.  
Godsman v. Peck
Godwin v. Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.  
Goehly Estate, Re  
Goel v. Dhaliwal  
Goel v Sangha
Goertzen v. Kuemper-Sotvedt  
Goertz v. Calin  
Goerzen v. Sjolie
Goeson v. Goeson  
Goffe v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Goghari v. Saarela  
Goglin v. Lightheart  
Goguen v. British Columbia  
Goguen v. Goguen
Goguen v. Maddalena  
Gojevic v. Philpott  
Gokey v. Usher
Goldbelt Mines Inc. (N.P.L.) v. New Beginnings Resources Inc.
Goldberg v. British Columbia (Assessor of Area #09 – Vancouver Sea to Sky Region)  
Goldberg v. Law Society of British Columbia  
Gold Bullion Development Corp. v. Stockhouse Publishing Ltd.  
Gold Candle Ltd. v. GSR Mining Corp.  
Goldcorp Exchange Ltd., Re [1994] UKPC 3
Goldcorp Inc., Re  
Gold Dollar Holdings Ltd. (c.o.b. Fleetwood Mohawk)  
Golden Acres Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 19—Kelowna [1985] B.C.J. No. 1541 (QL) (S.C.)
Golden Capital Securities Ltd. v. Rempel
Golden Capital Securities Ltd. v. Rempel 2004 BCCA 565, supplementary reasons on costs 2005 BCCA 300
Golden Capital Securities v. Holmes  
Golden Day Cake House Ltd.  
Golden Eagle Blueberry Farm v. Gatica  
Golden Hill Ventures Ltd. v. Kemess Mines Inc.
Golden Pheasant Holding Corp. v. Synergy Corporate Management Ltd.
Golden Predator Mining Corp., Re  
Golden Properties Ltd. v. Imbrook Properties Ltd.  
Golden Sikh Cultural Society  
Golden Valley Enterprises Ltd. v. B.P.Y.A. 1290 Holdings Ltd. 2013 BCSC 1213
Golden Valley Golf Course Ltd. v. British Columbia  
Golden Win Investments Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 15—Fraser Valley 2010 BCSC 1900
Golden World Enterprises Ltd.  
Golder Associates Ltd. v. North Coast Wind Energy Corp.
Goldfinch v. Assessor of Area 19—Kelowna 2002 PAABBC 20028491
Goldhar v. 2016 ONCA 515
Goldhar v. The Queen  
Goldhar v. Universal Sections and Mouldings Ltd.  
Goldie v. Grewal  
Goldie v. Mclean  
Gold Key Pontiac Buick (1984) Ltd. v. 464750 B.C. Ltd. (Trustee of)
Goldman, Sachs & Co. v. Sessions
Goldmanis v. Goldmanis  
Goldmanis v. Kajaks  
Goldmanis v. Mador  
Goldman v. Canada  
Goldman v. Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services  
Goldman v. Hesper
Goldschmidt v. Oberrheinische Metallwerke  
Goldsmith Enterprises Ltd.  
Goldsmith v. Holden
Goldsmith v. Richard  
Goldstein v. Davison  
Goldstone v. Clarke  
Gold Texas Resources Ltd., Re  
Gold v. Gold
Gold v. Rosenberg
Gold v. Toronto Dominion Bank
Golinsky v. Golinsky
Gollan v. Burnett  
Golonka v. Golonka  
Goltzman v. McKenzie  
Goluch v. Greater Victoria Housing Society  
Gomes v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Gonabady-Namadon v. Mohammadzadeh
Goncalves v. Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
Goncalves v. Doe  
Gondal v. Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. 2011 BCSC 1004
Gonder v. Gonder Estate  
Gondor v. Gondor  
Gong v. O’Neill  
Gong v. O’Neill  
Gonopolsky v. Hammerston  
Gonzales Hill Preservation Society v. Victoria (City) Board of Variance
Gonzales Hill Preservation Society v. Victoria (City) Board of Variance
Gonzales v. Voskakis  
Gonzales v. Withers
Gonzalez Fricke v. Del Valle Rosado  
Gonzalez v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
Gonzalez v. British Columbia (Workers' Compensation Board)  
Gonzalez v. Gonzalez  
Gonzalez v. Gonzalez  
Gonzalez v. Mak  
Goobie v. Young  
Gooch v. E.M.F. Holdings Ltd.  
Gooch v. Qureshi  
Goodall v. Wakefield Home Builders Inc.  
Goodfellow’s Trucking Ltd. v. New Brunswick 2003 NBQB 456
Goodhead v. Law Society of British Columbia  
Goodhew v. Summers  
Goodhew v. Summers  
Gooding v. Crocker  
Goodis v. Ontario (Ministry of Correctional Services)
Goodkey v. Dynamic Concrete Pumping Inc.  
Goodman, Re  
Goodman v. Geffen  
Goodman v. Goodman
Goodman v. Keel  
Goodman v. Parkhurst  
Goodman v. Rossi
Goodrich v. British Columbia (Registrar of Land Titles)  
Good v. Buljan  
Good v. Lackawwana Leather Co.  
Good v. R.  
Goodwin v. Brady  
Goodwin v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Goodwin v. Mainroad North Island Contracting Ltd.  
Goodwin v. Ofstie
Goodwin v. Ridley
Goodwood Inc. v. Cathay Forest Products Corp.  
Goodyear v. H.A.B.I.T. Research Ltd. 2008 BCSC 167
Gook Country Estates Ltd. v. Quesnel (City)
Goold v. Evans & Co.  
Gootson v. R.  
Gorash v. Gorash  
Gord Hill Log Homes Ltd. v. Cancedar Log Homes (B.C.) Ltd.
Gordienko v. Gordienko Estate  
Gordillo v. Canada (Attorney General)
Gordon, Re
Gordon Estate, Re  
Gordon Nelson Inc. v. Cameron
Gordon v. Ahn
Gordon v. Assessor of Area 4—Central Vancouver Island 2013 PAABBC 20131247
Gordon v. AWM-Alliance Real Estate Group Ltd.  
Gordon v. Bill
Gordon v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)  
Gordon v. Deiotte  
Gordon v. Gilroy  
Gordon v. Goertz
Gordon v. Gordon  
Gordon v. Hipwell
Gordon v. Krieg  
Gordon v. Madill
Gordon v. McDonald
Gordon v. McDonald  
Gordon v. Palmer  
Gordon v. Pielak  
Gordon v. Roebuck
Gordon v. Venables  
Gordon v. Wilson  
Gordon v. Winnipeg Canoe Club 1999 CanLII 18642 (MB CA)
Gorelkin-Pshelensky v. Kuprienko  
Gorenshtein v. British Columbia (Employment Standards Tribunal)
Gorgichuk Estate v. American Home Assurance Co.
Goring v. Nash  
Goritsas v. Wiebe  
Gorman v. Meghji  
Gorman v. Tyhurst  
Gormick v. Amenta  
Goronzy v. McDonald  
Gorse v. Straker
Gorst v. British Columbia (Public Safety and Solicitor General)
Goryn v. Neisner  
Gosal v. Gill
Gosbjorn v. Krompocker Estate
Goska J. Nowak Professional Corp. v. Robinson  
Gosling v. Gosling  
Gosnell v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gosselin v. Shepherd
Gossen v. Gossen  
Gossman v. Gossman  
Gostevskikh v. Gostevskikh  
Gostlin v. Kergin
Gotaverken Energy Systems Ltd. v. Cariboo Pulp & Paper Co.  
Gotaverken Energy Systems Ltd. v. Cariboo Pulp & Paper Co.  
Go Transport Ltd. v. Moore  
Gotsutsov v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gottfriedson Estate v. Sasakamoose
Gottfriedson v. Canada  
Gouge Estate, Re  
Gough Electric, Division of Guillevin International Inc. v. Labyrinth Lumber Ltd.  
Gough Electric Ltd. v. Baziuk  
Gough v. Leslie Estate  
Gould Estate v. Stoddart Publishing Co.
Gould v. Royal Trust Corp. of Canada
Gould v. Sandau
Gould v. Sandau  
Gould v. Western Coal Corp. 2012 ONSC 5184
Goundar v. Nguyen
Gourlay & Spencer v. Krezymon  
Gourlay v. Crystal Mountain Resorts Ltd.
Gourlay v. Gourlay  
Goveia v. Lalonde, Wood v. Goveia  
Government of the Province of British Columbia (Jack Keough grievance)  
Government Stock and Other Securities Investment Co. v. Manila Railways Co.
Gowan v. North American Life Assurance Co.  
Gower v. Tolko Manitoba Inc.  
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP v. Cardero Resource Corp.  
Gowman v. Provincial Agricultural Land Commission  
Goyal v. Meng Estate
Goyert v. British Columbia (Provincial Court)  
Goy v. Sechelt (District)
GPM Distributing Ltd. v. Wong  
Grab Bag Emporium Ltd.
Grabber Industrial Products v. Stewart & Company  
Grabovac v. Fazio  
Grace Residences Ltd. v. Jeda Mechanical Ltd.  
Grace Residences Ltd. v. Whitewater Concrete Ltd.
Gracey v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (1990), [1991] 1 F.C. 739
Gracey v. Thomson Newspapers Corp.  
Gradek v. DaimlerChrysler Financial Services Canada Inc.
Grady v. Riviere  
Graff v. Bennett  
Graff v. Graff  
Grafton Group Ltd. v. Dales Canada Inc.  
Graham Construction and Engineering (1985) Ltd. v. LaCaille Developments Inc.
Graham Industrial Services Ltd. v. Greater Vancouver Water District 2004 BCCA 5
Graham v. Bonnycastle
Graham v. Carson  
Graham v. Chalmers
Graham v. Devlin  
Graham v. Ellard  
Graham v. Galaxie Signs Ltd.
Graham v. Graham
Graham v. Graham  
Graham v. Hession
Graham v. Moore Estate
Graham v. Moore Estate
Graham v. Rogers
Graham v. Rourke
Graham v. Strata Plan K 852  
Grainex Canada Ltd. (Trustee of) v. Canbra Foods Ltd.  
Granberg (c.o.b. Piscine Energetics)  
Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co. v. Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Co.  
Granco Hotel Ltd. v. Aceman  
Grand-Clement v. Strata Plan KAS 2467  
Grand Construction Ltd.  
Grand Council of Crees (of Quebec) v. The Queen  
Grande v. Nelson and Kamloops (City)  
Grand Financial Management Inc. v. Solemio Transportation Inc. 2016 ONCA 175
Grandison v. NovaGold Resources Inc.
Grandmaison v. Berkenbos
Grand Pacific Holdings Ltd. v. Progressive Sheet Metals Ltd.  
Granfield Estate v. Jackson
Granfield v. Cowichan Valley (Regional District)
Granite Development Ltd. v. British Columbia
Granja v. Jozsef
Granovsky v. Ontario
Grant Estate, Re  
Grantham v. Strata Plan VIS 4116
Grant Thornton LLP v. New Brunswick  
Grant v. A.W. Sessions Ltd.
Grant v. City of Vancouver and others (No. 4)  
Grant v. Grant  
Grant v. Grant Estate
Grant v. Jackson  
Grant v. MacDonald
Grant v. Oracle Corp. Canada
Grant v. Saks 2010 ONSC 2759
Grant v. Spurr  
Grant v. Torstar Corp.
Grant v. Tremel
Grant v. Winnipeg Regional Health Authority  
Grant v. Wolansky  
Grant’s Heat & Power Ltd., Re  
Granvest Venture Capital (VCC) Corp. v. British Columbia  
Granville Savings and Mortgage Corp. v. Mark Swallow Thompson Allard and Co.  
Grape Expectations Wine Emporium Inc. v. Haslam  
Grassington Estates Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver 1995 CanLII 3027 (BC SC)
Grassi v. WIC Radio Ltd.
Gratsos v. Martin  
Grav, Re
Gravel v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Graves v. Comeau  
Graves v. Oster  
Graybriar Industries Ltd. v. Davis & Co. 1990 CanLII 1572 (BC SC)
Graybriar Industries Ltd. v. South West Marine Estates Ltd.  
Graydon v. Harris  
Graydon v. Michel
Gray Line of Victoria Ltd. v. Chabot  
Graymar Equipment (2008) Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Gray Project Management Ltd. v. Disruptive Media Publishers Canada Inc.  
Graystone v. Sun Alliance and London Assurance Company (Canada)  
Gray v. Alanco Developments Ltd.  
Gray v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Gray v. Carl Inkman Roofing Inc.  
Gray v. Doyle
Gray v. Gill  
Gray v. Gray Estate  
Gray v. Haig  
Gray v. Henderson  
Gray v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Gray v. Kohnert  
Gray v. Langley (Township)  
Gray v. Lanz  
Gray v. Nantel
Gray v. New Augarita Porcupine Mines Ltd.  
Gray v. Rizzi  
Gray v. Royal Bank of Canada
Gray v. Strata Plan VR 840  
Gray v. Vancouver (City)
Gray-Verboonen v. Mandurah
Greata Ranch Holding Corp. v. Concord Okanagan Developments Ltd.  
Great Canadian Railtour Co. v. Teamsters Local Union No. 31
Great Canadian Railtour Company Ltd. v. Teamsters Union, Local 31  
Greater Vancouver (Regional District) v. Langley (Township)
Greater Vancouver (Sewerage and Drainage District) v. Canadian National Railway Co.
Greater Vancouver Mental Health Service Society v. British Columbia (Information and Privacy Commissioner)  
Greater Vancouver Regional District v. Assessor of Area 23—Kamloops 1999 PAABBC 19991925
Greater Vancouver Regional District v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
Greater Vancouver Regional District v. Darvonda Nurseries Ltd.  
Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District v. A-Millenia Construction Ltd.  
Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District v. Wastech Services Ltd.
Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority v. Canadian Federation of Students—British Columbia Component  
Greater Vancouver Water District v. Assessor of Area 8 2004 PAABBC 20040013
Greater Vancouver Water District v. Bilfinger Berger AG
Greater Vancouver Water District v. North American Pipe & Steel Ltd. 2012 BCCA 337
Greater Vancouver Water District v. P & P Excavation Ltd.  
Greater Victoria Concerned Citizens Association v. Victoria (City)  
Great Northern Insulation Services Ltd. v. King Road Paving and Landscaping Inc.  
Great-West Life Assurance Co. v. Rix  
Great West Life Assurance Co. v. Walker  
Great West Saddlery Company Limited v. Davidson  
Great West Van Conversions Inc. v. Langevin 2000 BCSC 1830
Greaves & Co. (Contractors) Ltd. v. Baynham Meikle & Partners  
Greaves v. Dickson  
Greaves v. Grace
Grebely v. Seven Mile High Group Inc.
Greco v. Greco
Greenall v. Strata Plan NW 2406  
Greenall v. Watson
Greenbank v. Vanzant  
Green Dragon Medicinal Society v. Victoria (City)
Green Estate, Re  
Greene v. Greene
Greene v. Moxham  
Greene v. Strata Plan BCS 3495  
Greengen Holdings Ltd. v. British Columbia (Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations)
Greenhalgh v. Arderne Cinemas, Ltd.  
Greenhalgh v. Greenhalgh
Greenhalgh v. ING Halifax Insurance Company
Greenhill v. Federal Insurance Co.  
Greenhouse Studios Inc.  
Greenidge v. Allstate  
Greening Industries v. Penny  
Greenlight Capital Inc. v. Stronach
Greenmelk Co. v. Chatham (Township)
Green Mountain Holdings Ltd. v. Merritt (City)
Green Oak Development (West 7th) Corp. v. Hans Demolition & Excavating Ltd. (Inc. No. 448429)  
Greenomics Corp. v. Big Feats Management & Logistics Inc.
Greenough v. Greenough  
Greenpeace Canada Ltd. v. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.
Greenpeace Foundation of British Columbia v. British Columbia (Environment)
Greenpeace Foundation of Canada v. Toronto Sun Publishing Corp. 1989 CanLII 4061 (ON SC)
Greenpower Motor Company Inc. v. Oldridge  
Greenshields Inc. v. Johnston
Green v. Birchard
Green v. Buck  
Green v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan
Green v. Conley  
Green v. FSC Financial Services Centre Ltd.  
Green v. Green  
Green v. Jernigan
Green v. Law Society of Manitoba  
Green v. Longe  
Green v. Low (No. 1)  
Green v. Pelley  
Green v. Proline Management Ltd.  
Green v. Wilson  
Green v. Winnipeg (City) Police Department
Greenway-Brown v. Kyung
Greenway-Brown v. MacKenzie  
Greenwood Estate v. M.N.R.  
Greenwood v. Bennett
Greenwood v. Francis  
Greenwood v. Greenwood
Greenwood v. Greenwood  
Greer v. Greer  
Greg Court Developments Ltd. v. Sievert
Gregg v. Palmer  
Gregoire v. Cordani
Gregorich v. Gregorich  
Gregorio v. Intrans-Corp. 1994 CanLII 2241 (ON CA)
Gregory Brothers Holdings Ltd. (c.o.b. Rex Regal)  
Gregory N. Harney Law Corporation v. Angleland Holdings Inc.
Gregory Shane Kennedy  
Gregory v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)  
Gregory v. Budd  
Gregory v. Canadian Allied Property Investments Ltd.
Gregory v. Gregory
Gregory v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Gregory’s Settlement and Will, Re  
Gregson (c.o.b. G & G Music)  
Greig Estate, Re  
Greig v. Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Co.  
Greig v. Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Co.
Greig v. Insole
Greig v. Stretch  
Greither Estate v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Grenier v. Williams  
Grennan Estate v. Reddoch
Grenon v. Canada
Grenon v. Canada  
Grenzservice Speditions Ges. m.b.H. v. Jans
Gresham v. Gresham
Grespan v. Peacock  
Greta Inc. v. De Lange 2013 ONSC 3086
Greveling v. Greveling
Grewal (c.o.b. P&M Farms)  
Grewal Berry Farm Inc.  
Grewall v. Grewall  
Grewal v. Bal  
Grewal v. Bhatti  
Grewal v. Brar  
Grewal v. British Columbia (Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal)  
Grewal v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration)  
Grewal v. Grewal  
Grewal v. Grewal  
Grewal v. Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Society  
Grewal v. Hospedales
Grewal v. Kaur  
Grewal v. Khakh  
Grewal v. Khalsa Credit Union  
Grewal v. Lal  
Grewal v. Litt Estate
Grewal v. Mann
Grewal v. Naumann
Grewal v. Nijjer
Grewal v. Saanich (Regional District)
Grewal v. Sandhu
Grewal v. Simoncioni Estate
Grewal v. Singh  
Grewal v. Singh  
Grewal v. Singleton Urquhart LLP  
Grewal v. Sohal  
Grexton v. Grexton
Greycas, Inc. v. Proud  
Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp. v. Brzozowski
Greyhound Corp. v. Greyhound Car & Truck Rental Ltd.  
Greystone Capital Management Inc. v. Greystone Properties Ltd. 1999 CanLII 5690 (BC SC)
Greystone Capital Management Inc. v. Greystone Properties Ltd.
Grey v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Greyvest Leasing Inc. v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Greyvest Leasing Inc. v. Merkur
Grierson, Oldham & Adams Ltd., Re  
Griese v. Syvret
Grieve v. Bennett  
Grieve v. Huntley  
Grieve v. Strata Plan 200  
Griff Building Supplies Ltd. v. Lucas Anderson Development (1993) Corp.  
Griffen Holding Corp. V. Raydan Rentals Ltd.  
Griffin, Re
Griffin (Guardian ad litem of) v. Sooke School District No. 62  
Griffin v. 0904713 B.C. Ltd.
Griffin v. Griffin  
Griffin v. Griffin Estate
Griffin v. Martens
Griffioen v. Arnold
Griffiths, Re  
Griffiths v. Canadian Pacific Railway  
Griffiths v. Evans  
Griffiths v. Griffiths  
Griffiths v. Griffiths  
Griffiths v. Leonard 2010 ONSC 4824
Griffiths v. New Westminster (City)  
Griffiths v. Section 1 of Strata Plan VR 2266  
Griffiths v. Sun Peaks Resort Corp. 2011 BCSC 62
Griffiths v. Thomson  
Griffith v. Blake
Griffith v. Cox  
Griffith v. Larsen  
Griffore v. Adsett  
Grillo v. Concord Pacific Group Inc.  
Grimmer v. Carleton Road Industries Association 2009 NSSC 169
Grimsmo v. Jones  
Grindrod & District Credit Union v. Cumis Insurance Society Inc.
Gringmuth v. North Vancouver (District)
Grinnell Fire Protection Systems Co. v. Bank of Montreal  
Grisack v. Smith  
Grise v. White
Grist v. Bailey  
Gritsaenko v. Classic Collision Ltd.  
Gri v. Hills  
Grizzco Camp Services Inc.  
Grizzly Ropes Ltd. v. Hymax Engineering Ltd.
Groberman v. Groberman Estate  
Groenheyde v. Pringle  
Groen v. Harris  
Groia v. Law Society of Upper Canada
Gronau v. Schlamp Investments Ltd.  
Gronnerud (Litigation Guardians of) v. Gronnerud Estate
Gron v. Gron
Groos, In the Estate of  
Grosek v. Vancouver (City)
Grosseth Estate v. Grosseth  
Grosse v. Grosse
Grossi v. Grossi
Grossmann Estate
Gross v. Cottier
Gross v. Peak Products Manufacturing Inc.  
Grosvenor Canada Ltd. v. South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority  
Grosz v. Guo  
Grosz v. Guo  
Groulx v. The King  
Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd.  
Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd. v. Angeli  
Groven v. Strata Plan LMS 2460  
Groves-Raffin Construction Ltd. v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Groves v. Morton  
Groves v. R.  
Grove v. Grove
Growmark Inc. v Co-Operative Advantage Inc.
Growthworks Canadian Fund Ltd., Re  
Grubesic v. Frolek  
Grumpy Taxpayer$ of Greater Victoria Society v. Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
Grupo Torras SA v. Sheikh Fahad Mohammed Al-Sabah
Grymaloski v. Seiferling  
Grymes v. Gaudreault  
Gryphon Court Inc. v. Peoples Trust Co.  
Gryphon Graphics Inc. v. ChromaColor Press Inc.  
GT Communications Inc. v. Cam-Net Communications Network Inc.  
Guadagni v. British Columbia (Workers’ Compensation Board)
Guarantee Co. of North America v. Gordon Capital Corp.
Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada v. Beaumont  
Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Guaranty Trust Co. v. M.N.R.  
Guaranty Trust Co. v. Mall Medical Group  
Guardian Films Inc.  
Guardian Storage Inc. v. Samek  
Guardian Trust and Executors Co. of New Zealand Ltd. v. Public Trustee of New Zealand  
Guar v. Datta 2015 ONCA 151
Gubbels v. Anderson
Gudaitis v. Abacus Systems Inc.
Gudaitis v. Abacus Systems Inc.  
Gudger v. Manton (1943), 21 Cal. 2d. 537
Gudmondson v. Edwards  
Gueldner v. Nichele  
Guelph (City) v. Super Blue Box Recycling Corp.
Guemas v. Strata Plan NW 2382  
Guenette v. B.C. Electric Railway Co. (No. 2)  
Guenther v. Strata Plan KAS 431  
Guergis v. Novak  
Guerin v. M.N.R.  
Guerin v. R.  
Guerin v. Read  
Guerin v. The Queen [1984] 2 SCR 335, 1984 CanLII 25 (SCC)
Guerreiro v. Johnson  
Guerrero and Paull and the Director of Maintenance Enforcement, and the Squamish Nation Trust, Re  
Guess? Inc. v. Lee Seck Mon  
Guest v. Gabriel Resources Ltd.  
Guest v. North Vancouver (District)
Guevara v. Louie  
Guglielmucci v. Makowichuk
Guibord v. Strata Plan LMS 198  
Guichon v. Johnston  
Guide Outfitters Assoc. v. British Columbia (Information and Privacy Commissioner)  
Guilbert v. Economical Mutual Insurance Co.  
Guilder News Co. (1963) Ltd. v. Minister of National Revenue  
Guilford Industries Ltd. v. Hankinson Management Services Ltd.  
Guillevin International Inc. v. Willems  
Guindon v. Canada
Guindon v. Dolson  
Guinea Golden Mines v. Cassidy Gold Corp.  
Guinness Tower Holdings Ltd. v. Extranc Technologies Inc.
Guivian v. Goldarre  
Gulamani v. Chandra
Gulbranson Logging Ltd.  
Gulf & Fraser Fisherman’s Credit Union v. W.R. Menchions & Co.  
Gulf and Fraser Fisherman’s Credit Union v. Calm C. Fish Ltd.
Gulf Canada Ltd. v. Vancouver (City)
Gulf Canada Resources Ltd. v. Arochem International Ltd.
Gulf Coast Materials Ltd.
Gulf Coast Materials Ltd. v. Helgesen
Gulf Excavating Ltd. v. Otter Bay Developments Ltd.
Gulf Islands Navigation Ltd. v. Seafarers’ International Union of North America (Canadian District)
Gulf Manufacturing Ltd. v. Strata Plan BCS 1348  
Gulka v. Isaak  
Gullett v. Gullett  
Gully v. Gully
Gulmans v. Assessor of Area 23—Kamloops 2002 PAABBC 20027735
Gulston v. Aldred
Gumpp v. Co-operators Life Insurance Co.
Gundersen v. Savoy  
Gunn v. Barr
Gunn v. Gunn and Savage  
Gunther v. Assessor of Area 4—Central Vancouver Island 2013 PAABBC 20120597
Guobadia v. R.  
Guo v. Canada  
Guo v. Stevenson  
Guo v. Strata Plan NW 1975  
Gupta v. Gadhri  
Gupta v. Kumar
Guraya v. Kaila
Gurdev Holdings Ltd. v. Schmidt  
Gurney, Re
Gurney v. Gurney
Gurney v. Gurney  
Gurney v. Lavalin Inc.  
Gurniak (Guardian ad litem of) v. Nordquist
Gurtins v. Goyert
Gustafson v MacFarlane
Gustar v. Wadden  
Gustar v. Wadden  
Gustavson Drilling (1964) Ltd. v. Canada (Minister of National Revenue) [1977] 1 SCR 271, 1975 CanLII 4 (SCC)
Guthrie (c.o.b. Dianne & Don’s Cleaning)
Guthrie v. Abakhan & Associates Inc.
Gutierrez v. All Tech Transport Ltd.  
Gutierrez v. Del Fierro  
Gutierrez v. Gutierrez
Gutmann v. Strata Plan LMS 13  
Gutoski v. Hammett  
Gutowski v. Clayton
Gu v. Friesen  
Guvi (c.o.b. Global Internet Systems Co.)
Guyot (c.o.b. TOPI Imports)  
Guy v. Kent
Guy v. Trizec Equities Ltd.  
Gwa’Sala–‘Nakwaxda’ Xw First Nation v. Canada (Fisheries and Oceans)  
Gwizd, (Re)  
Gyger v. L’Arrivee  
Gyles v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)  
Gylytiuk v. Krause  
Gyratron Developments Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver
J.D.G. v. J.J.V.
M.A.G. v. P.L.M.
N.R.G. v. G.R.G.
Parnall (Attorney of) v. British Columbia (Registrar of Land Titles)
T.J.G. v. A.D.G.