Mercantile Office Systems Private Ltd. v. Worldwide Warranty Life Services Inc.
- 2021 BCCA 362
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Civil Trial Handbook
(Current to: August 08 2024)
Chapter 2. Pleadings in a Civil Case
- II. The Purpose of Pleadings [§2.2]
- IV. The Case for the Plaintiff [§2.12]
A. Drafting the Notice of Civil Claim [§2.13]
- 2. Statement of Facts in the Notice of Civil Claim [§2.15]
A. Drafting the Notice of Civil Claim [§2.13]
V. The Case for the Defence [§2.26]
- B. Drafting the Response to Civil Claim [§2.28]
VI. Subsequent Pleadings [§2.39]
- A. Drafting a Counterclaim [§2.40]
Chapter 2. Pleadings in a Civil Case
Civil Appeal Handbook
(Current to: January 01 2023)
Chapter 2. Standards of Review
- VII. Standard of Review Analysis: Specific Cases [§2.7]
Chapter 2. Standards of Review
Estate Disputes in British Columbia: A Litigator’s Guide
(Current to: January 15 2024)
Chapter 6. Proceeding with Estate Litigation
II. Initiating Estate Litigation Proceedings [§6.15]
B. Forms of Proceedings in Estate Litigation [§6.22]
- 1. Estate Litigation Actions [§6.23]
B. Forms of Proceedings in Estate Litigation [§6.22]
II. Initiating Estate Litigation Proceedings [§6.15]
Chapter 6. Proceeding with Estate Litigation
Family Law Sourcebook for British Columbia
(Current to: October 15 2024)
- Chapter 1. Overview of Family Law Claims