Online Practice Manuals

Cases Cited - Beginning with M

Use these listings to learn more about individual cases in our online practice manuals.

Style of Cause Citation
A.A.A.M. v. Director of Adoption
A.M. v. M.S.
British Columbia (Attorney General) v. Council of Canadians with Disabilities
C.L.M. v. M.J.S.
C.M. v. V.M.
D.G.M. v. L.L.M.
D.L.M. v. R.E.G.
D.R.M. v. R.B.M.
J.C.M. v. ‎A.N.A.
J.W.M. v. J.L.M
L.M. v. British Columbia (Director of Child, Family and Community Services)
M., Re  
M. (A.) v. British Columbia (Director of Child, Family and Community Service)
M. (A.) v. Ryan
M. (A.G.) v. M. (R.S.)
M. (A.L.) v. O. (N.J.)
M. (Abduction: Rights of Custody), Re
M. (B.) (Litigation guardian of) v. M. (R.)
M. (B.D.) v. M. (A.E.)
M. (B.E.) v. M. (A.H.)
M. (C.) v. M. (J.)
M. (C.) v. W. (K.)  
M. (C.A.) v. M. (D.)
M. (C.D.) v. W. (J.A.) Estate  
M. (C.K.B.) v. M. (G.)  
M. (C.L.) v. M. (R.A.)
M. (D.A.) v. M. (E.G.)  
M. (E.) v. S. (M.)  
M. (E.C.) v. T. (S.E.)  
M. (E.M.) v. M. (J.I.)  
M. (F.W.) v. Mombourquette  
M. (G.W.) v. M. (W.C.)
M. (H.D.) v. T. (S.W.)  
M. (H.R.) v. B. (D.M.)
M. (J.) v. M. (D.)  
M. (J.) v. M. (L.D.)  
M. (J.) v. M. (L.D.)  
M. (J.A.) v. M. (S.S.S.) 2010 BCSC 1826
M. (J.L.) v. T. (G.A.)
M. (J.R.) v. H. (K.J.)  
M. (J.W.J.) v. R. (T.E.)  
M. (K.) v. B. (J.)
M.(K.) v. British Columbia (Director of Child, Family & Community Service)
M. (K.) v. M. (H.)
M. (K.) v. M. (I.)
M. (K.) v. Strata Plan ABC XXXX  
M. (K.A.) v. C. (T.S.)  
M. (K.H.) v. F. (J.M.)  
M. (K.J.) v. A. (P.D.)  
M. (K.R.) v. M. (F.B.)  
M. (L.) v. F. (D.)  
M. (L.) v. S. (L.)  
M. (L.B.) v. M. (S.N.)  
M. (L.D.) v. M. (D.R.) 2008 BCSC 1752
M. (L.D.) v. M. (R.H.)
M. (L.D.) v. S. (T.R.)  
M. (L.E.) v. I. (D.M.)
M. (M.) v. A. (N.)  
M. (M.) v. F. (R.)  
M. (M.) v. F. (R.)  
M. (M.) v. J. (C.)
M. (M.) v. United States of America  
M. (M.J.) v. M. (D.J.)  
M. (M.W.) v. K. (J.D.)  
M. (N.) (Guardian ad litem of) v. M. (I.A.S.)
M. (N.) v. M. (G.)  
M. (N.) v. M. (V.)  
M. (N.G.) v. M. (W.A.) 2000 ABQB 328
M. (N.M.) v. M. (N.S.)  
M. (O.V.) v. S. (G.W.)  
M. (P.F.) v. A. (L.J.)  
M. (R.) v. D. (J.)  
M. (R.) v. M. (A.)  
M. (R.A.), Re  
M. (R.A.) v. M. (Y.Y.)
M. (R.A.) v. M. (Y.Y.)  
M. (R.J.) v. M. (A.N.)  
M. (R.S.) v. M. (M.S.) 2006 BCCA 362
M. (S.), Re  
M. (S.) v. British Columbia (Director of Child, Family and Community Service)  
M. (S.) v. E. (N.)  
M. (S.) v. M. (B.)  
M. (S.) v. M. (D.)  
M. (S.) v. T. (J.)
M. (S.A.) v. M. (J.A.)
M. (S.A.) v. S. (G.J.)  
M. (S.B.) v. M. (N.)
M. (S.G.) v. M. (P.K.)  
M. (S.H.) v. M. (B.E.)  
M. (S.L.) v. M. (D.R.)  
M. (S.L.) v. M. (D.R.)  
M. (S.M.) v. H. (J.P.)
M. (T.) v. M. (G.)  
M. (T.B.) v. M. (C.J.)  
M. (T.I.) v. M. (T.L.)  
M.A.B. v. J.A.B.
M.A. Concrete Ltd. v. Truter
M.A.F. v. J.C.F.  
M.A.M. v. D.L.L.
M.A.N.R. v. D.J.S  
M.A.N.R. v. D.J.S.  
M.A. v. R.L.A.  
M.C.C. v. M.C.R.C.  
M.C.D. v. D.A.D.  
M.C.S. v. J.H.S.
M.D.A. Marine Design Associates Ltd. v. British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.
M.D.F. v. D.O.T.C.
M.D.H. v. M.N.H.  
M. Dhaliwal Holdings Inc. v. Pacific Blue Farms Ltd.  
M.E.L. v. S.D.L.
M.E.N. v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
M.E. Quinn Associates Inc. v. Klein  
M.E.S. v. L.A.P.
M.F.W. v. M.A.H.
M.G. Heating and Plumbing Ltd. v. Lin  
M.G. Logging & Sons Ltd. v. British Columbia (Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations)
M.G. v. T.A.G.  
M.H. Rent-a-Rod Ltd. (c.o.b. M.H. Development) v. Cooper  
M.H. v. C.S.  
M.H.W. v. D.K.W.
M.J.A. v. R.D.A.  
M.J.B. Enterprises Ltd. v. Defence Construction (1951) Ltd.
M.J.M. Conference Communications of Canada Corp.
M.J. Peddlesden Ltd. v. Liddell Construction Ltd. 1981 CanLII 620 (BC SC)
M.J.R. v. B.L.D.  
M.J.V. v. J.R.  
M.K.S. v. L.B.S.  
M.K. v. A.I.K.  
M.K. v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
M.L.E. v. D.K.E.  
M.L. v. G.L.  
M.M.F. v. C.T.F. and J.J.K.  
M.M. v. L.M.
M. McIsaac Family Holdings Ltd. v. Tolam Holdings Ltd.  
M. McPhail & Associates Inc.  
M.N.L.A. v. P.T.
M.-P. (J.), Re  
M.P.H. Supply Ltd. v. C.B.R. Mechanical Ltd.
M.P.M. v. A.C.M.
M.P.R. v. J.B.R.
M.P. v. Intact and Economical  
M.P.W. v. City of Victoria
M.R.P. v. S.R.P.  
M.R. Smith/Imperial Oil v. Maple Leaf Disposal Ltd.  
M.R. v. S.R.R.  
M.S.A. Ford Sales Ltd.  
M.S.I. Delivery Services Ltd.
M.S.R v. D.M.R.
M.S. v. K.S.  
M. Sullivan & Son Ltd. v. Rideau Carleton Raceway Holdings Ltd.  
M.T.P. v. R.L.B.  
M.T. v. J.S.
M.T. v. J.S.  
M. v. H.  
M. v. O. (1994), 90 B.C.L.R. (2d) 380 (S.C. Master)
M.W. v. L.W.  
M.W. v. N.L.M.W.
M. Weiss Masonry Inc. v. Kelowna (City)  
M.Y. Sundae Inc. v. International Dairy Queen Inc.
M.Y.T.C. v. L.H.N.
M & D Farm Ltd. v. Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corp.  
M & H Logging Ltd.  
M&N Hewitt Enterprises Ltd. v. British Columbia
M3 Personnel Group Inc.  
M3 Steel (Kamloops) Ltd. v. RG Victoria (Construction) Ltd.  
Maaco Auto Painting and Bodyworks  
Maan Farms Ltd.  
Maax Bath Inc. v. Almag. Aluminum Inc.  
Macadam, Re  
MacAlpine v. Funk
MacAlpine v. Medbroadcast Corp.  
Macaraeg v. E Care Contact Centers Ltd.
Macario v. Strata Plan BCS 1296  
Macario v. Strata Plan BCS 1296 (No. 2)  
MacArthur v. Strata Plan K 588  
Macburnie v. R.  
MacCabe v. Westlock Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 110  
MacCallum Estate, Re
MacCallum v. MacCallum  
MacCarthy v. MacCarthy
MacColl v. MacColl  
MacCulloch Estate, Re
Macdaniel’s Case  
Macdonald (c.o.b. Bukowski’s Restaurant)  
MacDonald (Guardian ad litem of) v. Neufeld
MacDonald (Guardian ad litem of) v. Smith  
MacDonald & Wilson Ltd.  
Macdonald Estate, Re
MacDonald Estate, Re  
MacDonald Estate v. Martin
MacDonald Realty (1974) Ltd. v. Saunders  
Macdonald Realty Ltd. v. Metro Edge Holdings Ltd.  
Macdonald v. Bellhouse  
Macdonald v. British Columbia (Public Guardian and Trustee)
MacDonald v. Bublitz
MacDonald v. Canada (Attorney General)  
MacDonald v. Canada Kelp Co. Ltd.
MacDonald v. City of Montreal
MacDonald v. Cunniff
MacDonald v. De Dutch Pannekoek House Restaurants Inc.
Macdonald v. EPS 522  
MacDonald v. Grant  
Macdonald v. Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia  
MacDonald v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
MacDonald v. Invermere (District)  
MacDonald v. Lachapelle  
MacDonald v. Leung
Macdonald v. Macdonald
Macdonald v. Macdonald
MacDonald v. MacDonald
MacDonald v. MacDonald Estate
Macdonald v. Maritime Life Assurance Co.
Macdonald v. Richardson Greenshields of Canada Ltd.  
MacDonald v. Roth  
MacDonald v. Searle
MacDonald v. Strata Plan PG 3  
MacDonald v. SunLife Assurance Co. of Canada
MacDonald v. University of British Columbia  
MacDonald v. Vandiver  
MacDonald v. Vapor Canada Ltd.
MacDonald v. York County Hospital Corp.
MacDougall v. Canada  
MacEachern (Committee of) v. Rennie
Mace Estate, Re
Macfarlane, Re  
MacFarlane Estate v. MacFarlane  
MacFarlane v. British Columbia (Ministry of Transportation and Highways)
MacFarlane v. Ponds
MacGill & Grant v. Chin Yow You  
MacGougan v. Barraclough  
MacGregor v. Bergen  
MacGrotty v. Anderson  
MacGrotty v. MacGrotty
Machin Estate, Re  
Machray v. Simpson  
Machtinger v. HOJ Industries Ltd.
Macht v. Macht 1997 CanLII 12624 (BC SC)
Mach v. Mach
MacInnes v. MacInnes
MacInnis v. Canada (Attorney General)
MacInnis v. MacInnis  
Macintosh v. Harsidi  
MacIntosh v. MacIntosh  
MacIntyre (Litigation guardian of) v. Pitt Meadows Secondary School  
MacIntyre v. Nova Scotia Power Corp.  
MacIsaac and Co. v. Frayne  
Mackaroff v. Rico Holdings Ltd.
MacKay, Re  
MacKay Estate, Re  
Mackay Estate v. Mackay  
MacKay v. Bank of Nova Scotia
Mackay v. British Columbia 2011 BCSC 270
Mackay v. Buelow  
Mackay v. Cesar  
MacKay v. Ellis, Acting Registrar of Title  
MacKay v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
MacKay v. Law Society of Saskatchewan  
Mackay v. Martin  
MacKay v. Starbucks Corp.  
Mackechnie v. Mackechnie  
Mackenzie & Co. Ltd., Re  
Mackenzie Estate, Re  
MacKenzie Redi-Mix Co. v. Miller Contracting Ltd.  
MacKenzie v. Assessor of Area 17—Penticton 2010 PAABBC 20101142
Mackenzie v. Barthol
Mackenzie v. Brooks  
MacKenzie v. Jevco Insurance Management Inc.
MacKenzie v. John Doe  
MacKenzie v. Rogalasky
Mackenzie v. Royal Bank  
Mackey v. British Columbia
Mackey v. British Columbia  
Mackichan v. June  
Mackie v. Via Rail Canada Inc.  
MacKinlay v. MacKinlay Estate
MacKinnon, Re  
MacKinnon Estate, Re
MacKinnon v. Ebner
MacKinnon v. Instaloans Financial Solution Centres (Kelowna) Ltd.  
MacKinnon v. Instaloans Financial Solution Centres (Kelowna) Ltd.  
MacKinnon v. National Money Mart Co.
MacKinnon v. Rabeco Holdings (1989) Ltd.  
MacKinnon v. Swanson  
MacKinnon v. Tremere  
Mackin v. Strata Plan 1374  
Mackoff & Co. v. Grewal
Mack v. Assessor of Area 4—Central Vancouver Island 2012 PAABBC 20121485
Mack v. Enns
MacLachlan v. Nadeau
MacLanders v. MacLanders  
MacLean and MacLean Distribution Inc. v. Miles  
MacLean Estate v. Arsenault
MacLean Estate v. Christiansen  
MacLean Law v. Miolla
MacLean v. Andreeff  
MacLean v. British Columbia (Attorney General)  
MacLean v. Great-West Life Assurance Co.
MacLean v. MacDonald  
MacLean v. MacLean
MacLean v. MacLean  
MacLean v. Mio
MacLean v. University of British Columbia Appeal Board  
MacLellan v. MacLellan  
MacLennan v. Clough
MacLennan v. Produits Gilbert Inc. 2006 FCA 204
MacLeod v. Huber Developments Ltd.  
MacLeod v. Marshall
Macleod v. Taylor  
MacLeod v. Whittemore  
MacMichael v. Strocel  
MacMillan, Re
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., Re  
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Aspinall  
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 4—Nanaimo-Cowichan [1986] B.C.J. No. 1733 (QL) (S.C.)
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 7—Sunshine Coast 1983 CanLII 298 (BC CA)
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 7—Sunshine Coast [1985] B.C.J. No. 1575 (QL) (S.C.) (Chambers)
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Assessor of Victoria (Capital) 1981 CanLII 705 (BC SC)
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Binstead (1983), 14 E.T.R. 269 (B.C.S.C.)
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. British Columbia (Attorney General)  
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Brown  
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Galiano Island Trust Committee
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Galiano Island Trust Committee  
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Mullin
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Mullin  
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson [1995] 4 SCR 725, 1995 CanLII 57 (SCC)
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Youell  
MacMillan Bloedel v. British Columbia
MacMillan Bloedel v. Young  
MacMillan v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
MacMillan v. Kaiser Equipment Ltd.  
MacMillan v. Kaiser Equipment Ltd.  
MacMillan v. Northstar Tool Corp.
MacMillan v. Progressive Mill Supplies Ltd.
MacNaughton v. Stone  
MacNeil (Litigation guardian of) v. Kajetanowicz
MacNeil v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)  
MacNeil v. Hedmann  
MacNeil v. MacNeil
MacNevin v. Vroom
MacNutt Enterprises Ltd.
MacNutt v. MacNutt  
MacPherson v. Czaban
MacPherson v. MacPherson
MacPherson v. MacPherson
MacPherson v. Mallabon  
MacPherson v. White
MacPherson v. White Pass and Yukon Route Corp. Ltd.  
Macquisten v. Strata Plan K 466  
Macrae v. British Columbia (Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal)  
Macreanu v. Godino  
Macri v. Miskiewicz
Mac v. Mak
Mac-Wall Contracting Ltd., Re  
Madadi v. British Columbia College of Teachers
Madadi v. Nichols
Madalozzo v. Abbotsford (District)  
Madaninejad v. North Vancouver (District)  
Madden v. Dahl
Madden v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Maddess v. Estate of Johanne Gidney
Maddess v. Racz
Maddocks v. Scheves  
Maddocks v. Strata Plan VR 1489  
Maddock v. Law Society of British Columbia  
Mader v. Assessor of Area 23 (Kamloops) 2004 PAABBC 20040720
Madhavan v. Dixon  
Madill v. Idar Bergseth Designs Inc.  
Madill v. Sithivong
Madison Developments Ltd. v. Plan Electric Co.
Madison Joe Holdings Inc. v. Mill Street & Co. Inc.
Madock v. Grauer
Madsen Estate v. Saylor
Madsen v. Bradley  
Madsen v. Madsen
Madunic v. Malin  
Mady Development Corp. v. Rossetto 2012 ONCA 31
Madzar v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Madzar v. Sullivan  
Maedou Consulting Inc. v. 0887455 B.C. Ltd.
Magdell Estate, Re  
Magee v. Saint John (City)  
Magel v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Magna International Inc.  
Magna International Inc., Re
Magnet Forensics Inc. v. Morpheus Purchaser Inc.  
Magnusson v. Magnusson  
Maguire v. Maguire
Maguire v. Revelstoke Mountain Resort Limited Partnership
Magyar v. Magyar
Mahannah v. Mahannah
Maharlika Services Ltd. v. Ronquillo  
Mahar v. Mahar
Maher International Distributors Ltd. v. Strata Plan LMS 3905  
Maher v. Sutton  
Mahe v. Alberta  
Mahe v. Boulianne  
Mahil v. Johal  
Mahil v. Price  
Mahjoub v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)
Mahla Nursery & Farm Ltd.  
Mahmood v. Canada
Mahoney v. Adams  
Mahoney v. Canada  
Mahonin v. Eyberson  
Mahon v. Osborne  
Mahood v. High Country Holdings Inc.
Mahood v. High Country Holdings Inc.  
Mahood v. High Country Holdings Inc.  
Mah v. Tugade
Maid West Housecleaning Services Ltd.  
Maier Investments Ltd. v. Chen  
Maier v. Southam  
Mailey Developments Ltd. v. Impact Demolition Ltd.
Maillet v. Rosenau  
Maillet v. Thomas Corner Mini Mart & Deli Inc.
Maillot v. Murray Lott Law Corp.  
Mailloux v. Tofino (District)  
Maingot v. Wankowiez
Mainland Demo Contracting Ltd. and associated companies  
Mainland Demo Contracting Ltd. and Mainland Group Contracting Ltd and Mainland L. Contracting Ltd. and Mainland Labour Contracting Ltd. and Doon Development Ltd.  
Mainland Farm Labour Supply Ltd.  
Mainland Sawmills Ltd. v. USW Union Local 1-3567
Mainstream Canada v. Staniford
Mainstream Fisheries Ltd. v. Nesbitt Refrigerated Inc.  
Main v. Smith  
Maison Development & Construction Ltd. v. Jefferson  
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority v. Cranbrook Swine Inc.
Majcenic v. Natale  
Majestic Theatres Ltd. v. N.A. Properties Ltd.  
Majewska v. Partyka
Majithia v. Residential Tenancy Branch  
Major, Re
Majormaki Holdings LLP v. Wong
Major v. Philips Electronics Ltd.
Makara v. Peter  
Mak Estate v. Mak
Makin and Makin v. A.G. for New South Wales  
Makivik Corp. v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Makonin v. Chartrand  
Makosz v. Canada  
Makowsky (Guardian ad litem of) v. Jaron
Makowsky v. John Doe  
Mak v. Eichel  
Mak v. Vancouver (City) Board of Variance
Malahat Chalet Ltd. v. Pfizenmaier  
Malak v. Hanna 2016 BCSC 315
Malak v. Hanna  
Malaspina Coach Lines Ltd. v. Anani
Malata Group (HK) Ltd. v. Jung
Malat v. Bjornson  
Malbon v. Malbon
Malcolm v. Canada (Fisheries and Oceans)
Malcolm v. Strata Plan NW 2068  
Malcolm v. Transtec Holdings Ltd.  
Maldaver v. Webber Estate  
Malecek v. Leiren
Male Child, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Birth Reg. Local File No. 69332, Birth No. 138, Re  
Malec v. J.C. Hutton Proprietary Ltd.
Malek v. Tanbakookar  
Malenfant v. Janzen  
Malette v. Shulman  
Malet Transport Corp.  
Male v. Hopmans
Malhi v. Krahn  
Malhotra v. Malhotra  
Maligmat v. Ross  
Malik Estate v. State Petroleum Corp.
Malik Estate v. State Petroleum Corp.  
Malik v. Eagle Mountain Farms (A Partnership)  
Malik v. State Petroleum Corp. (Settlement with Mr. Khan)
Malik v. Three Point Motors Ltd.  
Malimon v. Kwok  
Malinosky v. Malinosky  
Malin v. Strata Plan VR 1543  
Malkit Singh Enterprises Ltd.  
Mallal v. Murphy  
Mallen v. Mallen  
Mallett v. McMonagle
Malli v. Malli  
Maloff v. Canada  
Malone v. Malone  
Maloney v. Maloney  
Maltchev v. Assessor of Area 10—North Fraser 2009 PAABBC 20091223
Maltesen Masonry Ltd.  
Maltese v. Pratap  
Malton v. Attia  
Malviya v. Bhupendra  
Mamdani v. Mamdani
Mammoth Landscaping and Masonry Ltd., Re
Manak v. Strata Plan KAS 2116  
Manak v. Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia
Mananquil v. Philippine Chronicle Newspaper Ltd.
Manarin v. Manarin  
Manarin v. Stelmaschuk
Manary v. Strban
Manatec Enterprises Ltd. v. Rikki’s Investments Ltd.  
Manchester Ship Canal Co. v. Manchester Racecourse Co.  
Mancinelli v. Mancinelli  
Manco Home Systems Ltd., Re  
Mancuso v. Weinrath
Mandarino v. Assessor of Area 19—Kelowna 2009 BCSC 567
Mandas v. Thomschke  
Mandate National Mortgage Corp. v. 457189 B.C. Ltd.  
M and M v. Strata Plan LMS 2768  
Mandra v. Lu  
Mand v. Cheema  
Mand v. Mand
Mandzuk v. Vieira
Manfred Purtzki & Associates Ltd. v. Mackenzie (District) 2014 BCSC 1974
Manghat v. Tchilinguirian  
Manhas v. Manhas  
Manisty’s Settlement, Re  
Manita Investments Ltd. v. T.T.D. Management Services Ltd. (Realty World Capital)
Manitoba (Attorney General) v. Metropolitan Stores (MTS) Ltd.
Manitoba Bridge & Iron Works Ltd. v. Gillespie  
Manitoba Free Press Co. v. Nagy 1907 CanLII 46 (SCC)
Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corp. v. Able Eavestroughing Ltd.
Manitoba Métis Federation Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General) 2010 MBCA 71
Manitoba Mortgage Co. v. Bank of Montreal  
Manitoba Public Insurance Corp. v. University of Waterloo
Manitoba Public Insurance v. Dybhaun  
Manitoba v. Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright) 2013 FCA 91
Manitoba v. Intact Insurance Co.  
Manitou Gold Inc. and Alamos Gold Inc.  
Manley v. Burns Lake Community Development Association  
Manley v. Chilliwack General Hospital Society
Mann, Re  
Mann (c.o.b. H Mann Trucking)  
Mann-Beauvais v. Beauvais  
Mannella v. Obregon  
Manning (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia (Minister of Transportation and Highways)  
Manning Estate v. Delta (District)
Manning v. Dhalla
Manning v. Harris Steel Group Inc.  
Manning v. Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia
Manning v. Surrey Memorial Hospital Society  
Manning v. Unum Life Insurance Co. of America  
Mannix Resources Inc. (Trustee in Bankruptcy of), Re: Focus Energy Ltd. 2006 BCSC 175
Mannpar Enterprises Ltd. v. Canada
Manns v. Vancouver Island Health Authority  
Mann v. Balaban
Mann v. British Columbia Automobile Assn.  
Mann v. Canadian Tire Corp. Ltd.  
Mann v. Curry  
Mann v. Elphick
Mann v. Grewal
Mann v. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 2012 BCSC 181
Mann v. Jagpal
Mann v. Kathuria  
Mann v. Kokko  
Mann v. MacCaig-Ross  
Mann v. Mann
Mann v. Mann  
Mann v. Pain  
Mann v. The King  
Manojlovic v. Currie  
Manolescu v. Manolescu
Manoocheri v. Doe  
Manouchehrifar v. Khorvash  
Manousakis v. Manousakis
Manrell v. Canada  
Mansbridge and Roulston, Re  
Manser v. McLeod
Manson v. Manson
Manson v. Mitchell  
Mansoor v. Mansoor
Mantar Holdings Ltd. v. 0858370 B.C. Ltd.  
Manterra Technologies Inc. v. Verathon Medical (Canada) ULC  
Manton v. York Condominium Corp. No. 461  
Manuel v. Fernandes  
Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. v. ASG Technologies Group Inc.
Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver 1996 CanLII 3437 (BC SC)
Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. v. Dahl  
Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. v. Parc-IX Ltd.  
Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. v. Pitblado & Hoskin
Manulife Bank of Canada v. Conlin
Manu v. Shasha  
Mao v. Liu
Mao v. Rao  
Mapara v. Ferndale Institution (Warden)  
Maple Beach Bed and Breakfast Inc.  
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. v. Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma  
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. v. Schneider Corp.  
Maple Leaf Foods Inc v. Consorzio Del Prosciutto Di Parma 2012 FC 416
Maple Leaf Homes & Cottages Inc. v. Zoellner Windows (1982) Ltd.  
Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. v. Canada  
Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. v. Canadian Food Inspection Agency  
Maple Resources Investment Co. v. Plastic-Fab Ltd.  
Maple Ridge (City), Re  
Maple Ridge (City) v. Copperthwaite
Maple Ridge (District) v. Thornhill Aggregates Ltd.  
Maple Ridge Projects Ltd. v. British Columbia (Minister of Transportation and Highways)
Maple Ridge Towing (1981) Ltd. v. Maple Ridge (District) 2001 BCSC 1328
Maple Ridge Travel Agency Ltd.  
Maple Trade Finance Inc. v. CY Oriental Holdings Ltd.  
Maple Valley Acres Ltd. v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce  
Maplewood Holdings Ltd. v. Lum  
Mara (Guardian ad litem of) v. Blake
Maracle v. Ontario (Minister of Revenue)  
Maracle v. Travellers Indemnity Co. of Canada  
Maragoudakis v. Strata Plan LMS 619  
Marana Management Services Inc. (c.o.b. Brother’s Restaurant)  
Maranda v. Richer
Maras v. Seemore Entertainment Ltd.
Marathon Mutual Ltd. v. Waters [2009] EWHC 1931 (Q.B.)
Marathon Realty Co., Re  
Marathon Realty Co. Ltd. v. Unitow Services Ltd.  
Marathon Realty Co. v. Maxwell Bailey McInerney Consulting Engineers Ltd.  
Marathon Systems Solutions Inc.  
Marbel Developments Ltd. v. Pirani
Marbella Pacific Construction Ltd. v. Fast Trac Bobcat & Excavating Services
Marbry v. Avrecan International Inc.  
Marceau, Re  
Marcello Ristorante & Pizzeria Ltd.  
Marcena v. Thomson  
Marchand (Guardian ad litem of) v. Alberta Motor Assn. Insurance Co.  
Marchand (Litigation guardian of) v. Public General Hospital Society of Chatham
Marchant v. Charters  
Marchese v. Marchese  
Marchesi Marblecraft Ltd.  
Marchetti v. Lane  
Marche v. Halifax Insurance Co.  
Marchi v. Superior Bakery (1985) Ltd.  
March v. Drab  
March v. Hyndman  
Marcinkovic v. Saanich (District)
Marc-Jay Investments Inc. and Levy, Re  
Marcon v. Lacasse  
Marco Polo Properties Ltd. v. Strata Plan LMS 1328  
Marcotte v. Marcotte
Marcoux v. Bouchard  
Marcoux v. Maddocks  
Marcus, Re  
Marczak, Re
Mardesic v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Mardesic v. Vukovich Estate
Marelj v. Gosselin
Mareva Compania Naviera SA v. International Bulkcarriers SA
Margolese v. Margolese
Mariano v. Campbell  
Maricic v. Maricic
Marinangeli v. Marinangeli
Marineau v. Marineau  
Marine Building Holdings Ltd. v. Proton Engineering & Construction Ltd.
Marine Harvest Canada Inc. v. Morton
Marine Masters Holdings Ltd. v. Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
Marine Midland Bank v. Li [1989] B.C.J. No. 1759 (QL) (S.C.) (Chambers)
Mariner Towers Limited Partnership v. Imani-Raoshanagh  
Marino v. Marino
Marino v. Sproat  
Marin v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mario Estate, Re  
Marion Family Ventures Inc. v. Lam
Mariotto v. Waterman  
Maritime Broadcasting System Ltd. v. Canadian Media Guild  
Maritime Excavators (1994) Ltd. v. Nova Scotia  
Maritime Travel Inc. v. Go Travel Direct.Com Inc. 2009 NSCA 42
Marits v. Wolber S.A.
Marivic Bariquit, Re  
Marjak Services Ltd. v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mark 7 Development Ltd. v. Peace Holdings Ltd.
Markadonis v. R.
Mark Anthony Properties Ltd v. Assessor of Area 19—Kelowna 2011 PAABBC 20110448
Markborough Properties Ltd. v. Rajan
Marketvision Real Estate Corp. v. DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc.  
Markevich v. Canada
Markman v. Westview Instruments Inc.  
Markovic v. Richards  
Markovitch v. Graf  
Mark Percival, Re  
Mark Pho (c.o.b. Centurian Health and Fitness)  
Marks v. Commonwealth Insurance Co.  
Mark v. Mark
Marky v. Arnold  
Mark’s Service Center Ltd. v. Henderson  
Marley v. Salga
Marlin Investments Inc. v. Moldovan  
Marlow (c.o.b. Donmar HVAC Services)
Marogna Brothers Enterprises Ltd. v. Highliner Inn Ltd.  
Maroofi v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C.  
Maroofi v. Health Professions Review Board
Marook Super Pty. Ltd. v. Strata Plan KAS 2205  
Maroukis v. Maroukis  
Marpole Curling Club v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver (1988), 39 M.P.L.R. 130 (B.C.S.C.)
Marquee Energy Ltd., Re
Marquest Industries Ltd. v. Willows Poultry Farms Ltd.
Marques v. Dylex Ltd., Re 1977 CanLII 1157 (ON SC)
Marques v. Stefanov
Marquez v. Zapiola
Marsden v. Bercovitz  
Marsellus v. Marsellus  
Marshall, Re  
Marshall (Litigation guardian of) v. Annapolis County District School Board
Marshall Estate, Re
Marshall Estate, Re  
Marshall Mountain Telecom Ltd. v. Strata Plan EPS 4044
Marshall v. British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals  
Marshall v. Broadhurst  
Marshall v. Cole  
Marshall v. Curry  
Marshall v. Gorge Vale Golf Club  
Marshall v. Harland & Wolff Ltd.  
Marshall v. Heidi  
Marshall v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Marshall v. Juba-Ruffolo  
Marshall v. Marshall Estate  
Marshall v. Payne  
Marshall v. Ruffolo  
Marshall v. United Furniture Warehouse Limited Partnership 2013 BCSC 2050
Marshall v. Wallat
Marshall v. Watson Wyatt & Co.  
Marsham v. Marsham  
Marsh Canada Ltd. v. BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc.
Marsh v. Clarkson  
Marsh v. Marsh
Marsh v. Marsh Estate
Marsland v. Gibb  
Marsland v. Gibb  
Marson v. Nova Scotia  
Mars v. Blais  
Mars v. Dowell 2004 BCSC 1351
Marszalek Estate v. Bishop  
Martel Building Ltd. v. Canada
Martell Brothers Sheet Metal Ltd. v. Granwest Constructors Ltd. 1997 CanLII 1065 (BC SC)
Martelli v. Martelli
Martelli v. Martelli  
Martell v. Ewos Canada Ltd.
Martell v. Height
Martell v. Reed  
Martel v. Biedrava  
Martel v. Canada (Attorney General)
Martel v. Spitz 2005 ABCA 63
Martel v. Wallace  
Martens v. First National Mortgage Co.  
Martens v. Gabriel  
Martens v. Martens
Marthinsen v. Marthinsen  
Martin, Re  
Martin Commercial Fueling Inc. v. Virtanen
Martin Corp. Ltd. v. West Vancouver (District)  
Martin Estate, Re
Martinez Diaz v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)  
Martini v. Wrathall
Martin Mine Ltd. v. British Columbia  
Martinoff and Page v. Gossen
Martinoff v. Martinoff
Martinson v. Anniko  
Martinuik v. Martinuik  
Martin v. 2064324 Ontario Inc.
Martin v. Ahrens  
Martin v. Alberta (Workers’ Compensation Board)  
Martin v. Banting
Martin v. Barnett  
Martin v. British Columbia
Martin v. British Columbia (Adult Forensic Psychiatric Services, Director)  
Martin v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)
Martin v. Business Development Bank of Canada  
Martin v. Chamberlain  
Martin v. ConCreate USL Limited Partnership  
Martin v. F.P. Bourgault Industries Air Seeder Division Ltd.  
Martin v. First Truck Centre Vancouver Inc.  
Martin v. Gilson  
Martin v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Martin v. Interbooks Ltd.  
Martin v. Lavigne
Martin v. Listowel Memorial Hospital
Martin v. Martin
Martin v. Martin
Martin v. Martin  
Martin v. McIlwain Estate  
Martin v. Mineral Springs Hospital  
Martin v. Pacific Western Airlines Ltd.  
Martin v. Strata Plan NW 177
Martin v. The Queen  
Martin v. Tom
Martin v. Universal Cleaning Equipment Inc.
Martin v. Vancouver (City)
Martin’s Trust, Re
Martselos Services Ltd. v. Arctic College (1992), 5 B.L.R. (2d) 204 (N.W.T. S.C.)
Martyniuk Estate, Re
Martyniuk v. Frederickson  
Martyn v. Walton  
Martyn v. Walton  
Maruna v. Lopatka
Maruniak v. Teamsters National Benefit Plan
Marvco Colour Research Ltd. v. Harris  
Mary Ann Meegan Insurance Agency Ltd.  
Mary-Helen Wright Law Corporation (Pacific Law Group), Re  
Mary-Helen Wright Law Corporation v. British Columbia (Human Rights Tribunal)  
Mary Jo Fetterly
Maryn v. Unum Life Insurance Co. of America  
Maryoush v. Ibrahim  
Maryoush v. Ibrahim  
Maryoush v. Ibrahim  
Marzara v. Marzara
Marzec v. Nemi  
Marzetti v. Marzetti  
Mascardo v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Maschke v. Gleeson
Mascia v. Dixie X-Ray Associates Ltd.  
Masev Communications  
Masic v. Assessor of Area 15—Fraser Valley Office 2012 PAABBC 20120786
Masjoody v. Trotignon  
Maslen v. Rubenstein
Mason (Drinkwalter) v. Mason  
Mason Capital Management LLC v. TELUS Corp.  
Mason v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Mason v. Forgie  
Mason v. Peters
Mason v. Strata Plan BCS 4338  
Massaar v. Klotild-Houser  
Masse v. Gagnon  
Masse v. N. Hoolsema & Sons Ltd. and Frostnup Development Ltd. (No. 2)  
Masse v. Strata Plan VIS 6348  
Massey-Ferguson Industries Ltd. v. Saskatchewan [1981] 2 SCR 413, 1981 CanLII 209 (SCC)
Massot v. Shewchuk
Master Contract Services Ltd. v. Altamar Developments Corp.  
Masterpiece Inc. v. Alavida Lifestyle Inc.
Master Pool Coatings Inc.  
Mastrangelo v. Di Cristofaro  
Mastronardi v. T. Moscone & Bros. Landscaping Ltd.  
Masztalar v. Wiens
Matas v. Matas  
Matchbet Ltd. v. Openbet Retail Ltd.
Mate Estate, Re 1999 CanLII 12652 (SK QB)
Matejka, Re
Materi v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Matharu v. Nam
Matheos v. Scott  
Mathers v. Bruce
Mather v. Macdonald  
Matheson v. Matheson
Matheson v. Matheson  
Mathews v. Coca-Cola Co. of Canada Ltd.
Mathews v. Mathews
Mathew v. Canada
Mathew v. Delta School District No. 37  
Mathieu v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mathroo v. Edge-Partington  
Mathwig v. Bachmaier
Matijczak v. Homewood Health Inc.  
Matilda v. MacLeod
Matkin v. Hogg 2015 BCSC 560
Matoni v. C.B.S. Interactive Multimedia Inc. 2008 CanLII 1539 (ON SC)
Mato’s Consulting Ltd.  
Mattel, Inc. v. 3894207 Canada Inc.
Matteucci v. Greenberg
Matte v. Canada  
Matthew Brady Self Storage Corp. v. InStorage Limited Partnership
Matthews, Re
Matthewson v. Burns  
Matthews v. Andrew
Matthews v. Howse  
Matthews v. Matthews  
Matthews v. Ocean Nutrition Canada Ltd.
Matthews v. Strata Plan NW 1874
Matthews v. Zarola Gray Developments Ltd.  
Matthias v. Garibaldi Springs Developments Ltd.  
Matthias v. Strata Plan VR 2135
Matt Hill & Sons Co.  
Mattrick v. Kingsley Lo Architect Inc.
Mattson v. Remus 2009 BCSC 836
Mattu v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mattu v. Mattu  
Mattu v. McCleery  
Matzke v. Matzke
Maughan v. Strata Plan VR 778  
Maultsaid v. Blair
Maurice v. Canada (Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development)  
Maurice v. Maurice
Mauro v. Etobicoke (City)
Mauryabistro Ltd. (c.o.b. Maurya Bistro)
Maussion v. Maussion  
Ma v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)  
Ma v. Golden Globe Construction Ltd.  
Ma v. Han  
Ma v. Haniak  
Ma v. Li  
Ma v. Liu
Ma v. Nutriview Systems Inc.
Ma v. Vansanten
Maverix Metals Inc. v. Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp.  
Maves v. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co.
Mavretic v. Bowman
Mavrikos v. Island Savings Credit Union  
Mawani v. Pitcairn
Mawdsley v. Meshen
Mawhinney v. Scobie
Maxam Opportunities Fund (International) Limited Partnership v. 893353 Alberta Inc.  
Maxam Opportunities Fund Limited Partnership v. 729171 Alberta Inc.
Maximum Performance Fitness Corp.  
Maximum Ventures Inc. v. De Graaf
Maxim v. Cameron  
Max Power Security Ltd. v. Donley  
Maxwell v. British Columbia  
Maxwell v. Maxwell  
Maxwell v. Schuman  
Maxwell’s Plumbing and Heating Ltd. v. British Columbia
May, Executor Koziej Estate v. M.N.R.  
Mayall v. Kebarle  
Mayden v. British Columbia (Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal)  
Mayden v. British Columbia (Workers’ Compensation Board)  
Mayer Estate, Re
Mayer v. Mayer
Mayer v. Mayer
Mayer v. Mayer  
Mayer v. Mayer Estate
Mayer v. Merchant Law Group LLP  
Mayer v. Osborne Contracting Ltd.  
Mayer v. Umabao  
Mayes, Re  
Mayfair Towing Ltd.  
Mayhew v. Crickett  
Mayhew v. Stone
Maynard v. Maynard
Maynard v. West Midlands Regional Health Authority
Mayne v. Mayne
Mayo v. Local 213 Electrical Workers Pension Plan  
May v. CBC/Radio Canada  
May v. Circumpacific Energy Corp.  
May v. Ferndale Institution  
Mazarei v. Icon Omega Developments Ltd.
Mazhero v. Canada (Industrial Relations Board)  
Mazloomi v. Mazloomi  
Mazraani v. Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.  
Maz Tudor Inns Ltd. v. Canadian Association of Smelter and Allied Workers  
Mazur v. Berg
Mazur v. Citadel General Assurance Co.
Mazur v. Lucas
Mazur v. Moody
Mazzei Electric Ltd. v. Western Canadian Construction Company Ltd.  
Mazzei v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mazzuchetto, Re  
Mbaruk v. Surrey School District No. 36  
M-B Industries Ltd., Re
McAdam v. Rosling  
McAdie v. McAdie
McAfee, Re  
McAfee v. McAfee  
McAllan v. Carswell  
McAllister Estate v. Hudgin  
McAllister v. Calgary (City)
McAllister v. Sotelo  
McAlpine v. Bachop  
McAlpine v. Econotech Services Ltd.  
McAndrew v. McAndrew
MCAP Service Corp. v. Chichak
McArthur v. Besier  
McArthur v. Cariboo Woodworkers Assn.  
McArthur v. McArthur  
McArthur v. Telus Communications Inc.
McAskill v. The King  
McAteer v. Devoncroft Developments Ltd.  
McAvan Holdings Ltd. v. BDO Dunwoody Ltd.  
McAvena v. Byrne  
McBeth v. Boldt  
McBratney v. Sexsmith  
McBride Metal Fabricating Corp. v. H & W Sales Co. Inc. 2002 CanLII 41899 (ON CA)
McBride v. Canada (Minister of National Defence)
McBride v. Voth
McBryde v. Womack  
McBurney v. British Columbia (Employment Standards Branch of British Columbia)  
McBurney v. Saunders
McC. (J.W.J.) v. R. (T.E.)
McCabe v. British Columbia (Securities Commission)
McCabe v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)  
McCabe v. McCabe  
McCabe v. Roman Catholic Episcopal Corp.
McCaffery v. Arguello  
McCaffrey v. Canada  
McCaffrey v. Kang  
McCaffrey v. Paleolog
McCaig v. Reys
McCaleb v. Rose
McCallum Hill & Co. v. Imperial Bank of Canada  
McCallum v. McCallum  
McCamley, Re  
McCannell v. McLean
McCann v. Moss
McCardell’s Estate v. Cusham  
McCarlie v. Bogoch
McCarney Technologies Inc.  
McCarter v. McCarter
McCarthy, Re  
McCarthy Tétrault v. Lawson Lundell Lawson & McIntosh
McCarthy v. Canada (Attorney General)  
McCarthy v. McCarthy  
McCarthy v. North Vancouver (City)  
McCartney v. McArthur  
McCarty v. Chen  
McCarty v. McCarty  
McCarvill v. Parker Cove Properties Limited Partnership  
McClaughry v. McClaughry
McCleery v. McCleery  
McClelland v. Stewart
McClement v. McClement
McCliggot v. Elliott  
McClintock’s Ski School & Pro Shop Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General)  
McClinton Estate, Re  
McClure v. McClure  
McClurg v. Canada
McCluskey v. Desilets
McCluskie v. Reynolds  
McColl Estate, Re
McColl v. R.
McColl v. Sullivan
McCombe v. Kerfoot Datsun Ltd.  
McComb v. Jones  
McComb v. McComb  
McConnan Bion v. Mega Wraps B.C. Restaurants Inc.  
McConnell Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Services (B.C.) Ltd. v. York Sheet Metal Ltd.  
McConnell v. Canadian Human Rights Commission
McConnell v. McConnell  
McConnell v. McConnell  
McConvey v. Hopper
McCooey v. Hertzberg  
McCord (Litigation guardian of) v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McCorkill v. McCorkill Estate
McCormack, Re
McCormick Delisle & Thompson Inc. v. Ballantyne
McCormick v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)  
McCormick v. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP  
McCormick v. Marcotte  
McCormick v. Plambeck
McCormick v. Taylor  
McCorquodale v. Baranti Developments Ltd.
McCoy, Re  
McCoy v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McCracken v. Matthew  
McCready v. Nanaimo (City)  
McCready v. Scott
McCrea v. Barrett
McCreight v. Currie
McCreight v. Currie  
McCuaig v. Service Corp. International (Canada) Ltd.  
McCulley Real Estate Ltd. v. Steele  
McCulloch v. British Columbia (Human Rights Tribunal)  
McCulloch v. Green  
McCulloch v. Nociar  
McCullock Finney v. Canada (Attorney General)  
McCullough O’Connor Irwin v. Millennium Financial Group Inc.  
McCully v. Moss  
McDaniel v. McDaniel
McDaniel v. Strata Plan LMS 1657  
McDermid Estate, Re  
McDermott v. McDermott
McDermott v. Ramadanovic Estate
McDermott v. Rebuck  
McDermott v. Thompson  
McDiarmid Lumber Ltd. v. God’s Lake First Nation
McDonald, Re  
McDonald, Re  
McDonald Estate, Re
McDonald v. Bode Estate
McDonald v. Comox (Town)  
McDonald v. Coys of Kensington
McDonald v. Creekside Campgrounds and RV Park  
McDonald v. Eckert
McDonald v. Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation  
McDonald v. Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd.  
McDonald v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McDonald v. Lau  
McDonald v. McDonald
McDonald v. McDonald
McDonald v. McDonald  
McDonald v. McDonald  
McDonald v. McDonald  
McDonald v. Moran  
McDonald v. Shewchuk
McDonald v. Wilson  
McDonald’s Corp. v. Steel and Morris [1995] 3 All E.R. 615 (C.A.)
McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Ltd. v. Lanco Assembled Properties Ltd.  
McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Ltd. v. West Edmonton Mall Ltd. 1994 CanLII 9040 (AB QB)
McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada v. Assessor of Area 5—Port Alberni 2001 PAABBC 20015955
McDonell Estate v. Royal Arch Masonic Homes Society  
McDonell v. Peterson
McDonough v. British Columbia (Official Administrator)  
McDonough v. Hill  
McDorman v. American Reserve Energy Corp. 2002 NFCA 57
McDougald Estate v. Gooderham  
McDougall v. Black & Decker Canada Inc.
McDougall v. British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals  
McDowell v. Andrews
McEachern v. 752265 B.C. Ltd.
McEachern v. McEachern
McEachern v. Vancouver  
McEachern v. Webster  
McElhinney, Re
McEllistrum Estate v. Etches
McElmon v. B.C. Electric Railway  
McElroy v. Embleton
McEvoy v. Ford Motor Co. [1989] B.C.J. No. 1639 (QL) (S.C.)
McEvoy v. Ford Motor Co.
McEvoy v. McEachnie
McEwan Estate, Re  
McEwan v. McEwan  
McEwan v. McEwan Estate  
McEwen v. British Columbia (Securities Commission)  
McEwen v. Goldcorp Inc.
McFadden v. Malaguerra  
McFadyen v. Canada (Attorney General)  
McFadyen v. Strata Plan NW 2154  
McFall v. Vancouver Exhibition Assn.  
McFarland v. Hauser  
McFarlane Travel Service Ltd. v. Godlonton  
McFarlane v. Presch  
McFarlane v. Sawatzky
McFarlane v. Thornberg 1997 CanLII 4224 (BC SC) (Master)
McFarlen v. McFarlen
McFayden v. Faint
McFee v. Joss  
McGarry v. Co-operators Life Insurance Co.  
McGarry v. Richards, Ackroyd & Gall Ltd. 1953 CanLII 290 (BC SC)
McGauley v. British Columbia  
McGavin Estate, Re
McGavin Estate v. McGavin Estate  
McGavin v. National Trust Co.
McGaw, Re
McGee v. Clark [1927] 1 W.W.R. 593 (B.C.C.A.)
McGee v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
McGeough v. Stay ‘N Save Motor Inns Inc. 1994 CanLII 3263 (BC CA)
McGhee v. National Coal Board  
McGill Estate v. Wiebe  
McGillion v. Barnett and Pique Publishing
McGillivray Restaurant Ltd. v. Canada
McGill v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McGill v. Jansen  
McGill v. Strata Plan NW 3121  
McGinley v. McGinley 2001 CanLII 15301 (NB QB)
McGlone (Guardian ad litem of) v. Kelly  
McGonigle v. Parada  
McGoran (Re)  
McGowan v. Forster  
McGowan v. McGowan  
McGowan v. Strata Plan NW 1018  
McGrail v. McGrail
McGrath v. Joy  
McGrath v. MacLean  
McGregor v. Chalmers  
McGregor v. Royal Pacific Realty Corp.  
McGregor v. Whiteside  
McGuire v. Ottawa Wine Vaults Co.  
McHale v. McHale Estate
McHardy v. Contois  
McHatten v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McHattie v. Central Saanich (District)  
McHollister v. Ma  
McIlroy v. Stanton  
McIlvaney v. Maguire
McIlvenna (Litigation guardian of) v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
McIlvenna (Litigation guardian of) v. Viebig
McIlvenna v. Viebig
McInerney v. Laass  
McInerney v. MacDonald [1992] 2 SCR 138, 1992 CanLII 57 (SCC)
McInnes v. Lenz  
McInnes v. The Queen  
McInroy v. Estate of Jon L. Gamble  
McIntosh Estate, Re  
McIntosh Publishing Co. v. Country View Publishing Ltd.
McIntosh v. British Columbia  
McIntosh v. De Cotiis Properties Ltd.  
McIntosh v. Kaulbach
McIntosh v. McIntosh  
McIntosh v. Nilsson Bros. Inc.
McIntosh v. Papoutsis  
McIntosh v. Zhang  
McIntyre v. Grigg  
McIsaac v. Healthy Body Services Inc.  
McIsaac v. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
McIver v. McIntyre
McIver’s Appliance Sales and Services Ltd.  
McIvor v. Canada (Registrar of Indian and Northern Affairs)
McIvor v. McIvor  
McIvor v. Southern Health & Social Services Board  
McKay Estate v. Love  
McKay v. Howlett Estate
McKay v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McKay v. Marx  
McKay v. McKay  
McKay v. McKay  
McKay v. Olsen  
McKay v. Passmore  
McKay v. Richards
McKay v. Tait and Sherman  
McKee, Re
McKee (c.o.b. Valhalla Services)
McKee v. GMAC
McKee v. Hicks  
McKee v. McKee
McKellar v. Strata Plan LMS 3317  
McKendry v. McKendry
McKenna v. Anderson
McKenna v. Marshall
McKenna v. R.
McKenny v. McKenny
McKenzie & Co. v. Leung  
McKenzie v. Bank of Montreal
McKenzie v. British Columbia (Registrar, Vancouver Land Title Office)  
McKenzie v. Darke
McKenzie v. Lloyd
McKenzie v. Mason
McKenzie v. McKenzie
McKenzie v. Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General
McKenzie v. Perestrelo
McKenzie v. Singh  
McKenzie v. Walsh  
McKeown v. Port Moody (City)
McKerrow v. Assessor of Area 22—East Kootenay 2012 PAABBC 20111704
McKew v. Holland & Hannen & Cubitts (Scotland) Ltd.  
McKibbon v. BDO Canada Ltd.  
McKillop v. McKillop
McKimmon v. M.N.R.  
McKinley v. BC Tel
McKinney v. Polston  
McKinnon v. Red Lily Wind Energy Corp.  
McKinnon v. Salloum [1998] B.C.J. No. 2206 (QL) (Prov. Ct.)
McKinnon v. Winter’s Office Supplies  
McKnight v. Bourque  
McKnight v. Hutchison
McKnight v. Hutchison
McKnight v. Hutchison 2002 BCSC 1373
McKnight v. Hutchison
McKnight v. Hutchison  
McKnight v. Hutchison  
McLachlan v. Ast  
McLachlan v. Burrard Yacht Club  
McLachlan v. Hamon
McLachlan v. Trident Foreshore Lands Ltd.
McLaren v. Casey
McLaren v. Castlegar (City)
McLaren v. McLaren  
McLaren v. Rice
McLaughlin Estate v. McLaughlin
McLaughlin v. Cerda  
McLaughlin v. Long  
McLaughlin v. McLaughlin
McLaws v. Walker  
McLean & Co. v. Newton  
McLean Estate v. McGreal
McLean Lake Residents’ Assn. v. Whitehorse (City)  
McLean v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
McLean v. British Columbia (Securities Commission)
McLean v. Gonzalez-Calvo  
McLean v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McLean v. Leffler  
McLean v. Southam Inc.
McLean v. Thompson  
McLean v. Weir  
McLeay v. Kelowna (City)
McLeay v. Kelowna (City)  
McLellan v. Cooper  
McLellan v. McLellan
McLellan v. McLellan  
McLellan v. Shirley  
McLennan v. McLennan  
McLeod & Co. v. Price Waterhouse Ltd.
McLeod Lake Indian Band Trust Agreement, Re  
McLeod Lake Indian Band v. British Columbia  
McLeod v. Atchison Estate  
McLeod v. Balakrishnan  
McLeod v. Goodman  
McLeod v. MacLeod
McLeod v. McLeod
McLuskie v. Sakai
McMahon v. Harper
McMahon v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
McMahon v. Sovdat  
McMain v. Leblanc
McManamna v. Farley
McManus v. McManus
McMartin and Vancouver (City), Re  
McMaster Estate v. McMaster
McMaster v. Knutson  
McMaster v. McMaster  
McMillan v. British Columbia (Employment Standards)  
McMillan v. Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corp. 2007 BCSC 1475
McMillan v. Johnson Estate  
McMillan v. McMillan
McMillan v. Progessive Mill Supplies  
McMullen v. Webber
McMurchie v. Boyle & Co.  
McMurchie v. Locke
McMurter v. McMurter
McNabb Estate v. Mills  
McNabb v. Smith
McNally, Re
McNally Estate v. Caldwell
McNamara, Re  
McNamara Construction Co., a division of Tarmac Canada Inc. v. Newfoundland Transshipment Ltd. 2002 CanLII 62718 (NL SCTD)
McNamara v. Kooner  
McNamara v. Rolston  
McNamee v. McNamee 2011 ONCA 533
McNarland v. Yada
McNaughton v. Baker
McNaughton v. Chauhan  
McNaught v. Friedman  
McNeal v. Few
McNeice v. British Columbia
McNeill Estate, Re  
McNeill Fishing Ltd., Re
McNeill v. Saunders  
McNeill v. Strata Plan KAS 1099  
McNeil v. Easterbrook
McNeil v. Forbes  
McNeil v. McNeil Estate
McNichol v. Mardell
McNichol v. Sportsman’s Book Stores
McNolty v. Posteraro  
McNutt v. Tedder  
McPeake v. Canada (Attorney General)
McPhail v. McPhail
McPhail v. McPhail  
McPhee, Re  
McPhee Estate, Re  
McPhee v. British Columbia (Ministry of Transportation and Highways)  
McPhee v. British Columbia (Ministry of Transportation and Highways)  
McPhee v. Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Co.  
McPhee v. McPhee
McPhee v. McPhee  
McPherson v. Institute of Chartered Accountants (British Columbia)
McPherson v. Institute of Chartered Accountants of B.C.
McPherson v. McPherson
McPherson v. McPherson  
McPherson v. Temiskaming Lumber Co.  
McPhillips v. British Columbia Ferry Corp.
McQuay v. Eastwood  
McQueen v. Kelly  
McQueen v. Sawatzky  
McRae v. Canada (Attorney General)
McRae v. Commonwealth Disposals Commission
McRae v. Gifford
McRae v. McRae Estate
McRae v. Pringle  
McRae v. Royal Trust Corp. of Canada  
McRae v. Seymour Village Management Inc.  
McRoberts, Re  
McStravick v. Metzler  
McTaggert v. Boffo 1975 CanLII 351 (ON SC)
McTavish v. MacGillivray
McTavish v. MacGillivray  
McVea (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
McVea (Guardian ad litem of) v. T.B.  
McVeetors v. McVeetors
McVeigh v. Boeriu  
McWatters v. Auger
MD Physician Services Inc. v. Jonathan Financial Group Inc.
MDS Health Group Ltd. v. King Street Medical Arts Centre Ltd.  
Meade v. Armstrong (City)
Mead Johnson Canada v. Ross Pediatrics (1996), 31 O.R. (3d) 237 (Gen. Div.)
Meadow Creek Cedar  
Meadows v. Strata Plan KAS 1812  
Meads v. Meads  
Mead v. Mead  
Mead v. Mead  
Meagher v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia
Mearns (Trustee of) v. Vanden Brink & Elgersma  
Meckic v. Chan  
Meckin v. Borgford  
Medallion Developments Inc.  
Medar v. Ionescu  
Medeiros v. Vuong  
Media Mentors Management Inc.  
Medicanna Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary v. Vancouver (City)  
MEDIchair LP v. DME Medequip Inc.
Medicine Hat College v. Starks Plumbing & Heating Ltd.  
Medimmune Ltd. v. Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd. & Anor
Medina v. Bravo 2008 BCSC 1307
Medina v. Pallett
Medina v. Wong
Meditrust Healthcare Inc. v. Shoppers Drug Mart 2002 CanLII 41710 (ON CA)
Medjuck and Budovitch Ltd. v. ADI Ltd. (1980), 33 N.B.R. (2d) 271 (Q.B.)
Medjuck v. Strata Plan LMS 2854  
Medley v. Medley  
Medomist Farms v. Surrey (District)  
Medzech, Re  
Meehan v. Tremblett 1994 CanLII 4462 (NB QB)
Mee Hoi Bros. Company Ltd. v. Borving Investments (Canada) Ltd.  
Meeker Cedar Products Ltd. v. Edge
Meek v. British Columbia (Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations)  
Meek v. Fleming
Mega Brands (Arrangement relatif à)  
Mega Hair Group Inc.  
Mega Power Installations Ltd. v. Alexander  
Mega-Site Software Development Inc.  
Mega Structures Ltd. v. Ledcor Construction Ltd.  
Mega Tire Inc. (c.o.b. Discovery Tire Service)
Mega Wraps BC Inc.  
Megeval v. Megeval
Meghji v. British Columbia (Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General)  
Meghji v. Lee
Megson v. Megson
Mehedi v. 2057161 Ontario Inc.  
Meher Trucking Ltd.  
Mehigan v. Sheehan  
Mehl v. Cunningham  
Mehmet v. Smith  
Mehralian v. Dunmore  
Mehr v. Law Society of Upper Canada [1955] SCR 344, 1955 CanLII 7 (SCC)
Mehta v. Douglas  
Meier v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. 1981 CanLII 644 (BC SC)
Meier v. Maple Ridge (District)
Meier v. Meier  
Meilleur, Re
Meinhardt Fine Foods Inc.  
Meisel v. Tolko Industries Ltd. 1991 CanLII 120 (BC SC)
Mei v. Li
Mejia v. LaSalle College International Vancouver Inc. 2014 BCSC 1559
Mekdam & Hamilton Construction Inc.  
Mela v. CIBC Mortgages Inc.
Melcer Estate v. Boxer  
Melchior v. Pricewaterhouse Coopers 2007 BCSC 136
Melco Developments Ltd. v. Skedd
Meldrum Estate v. Klassen Estate (Public Trustee of)  
Meldrum v. Johnstone  
Meleski v. Woodcock  
Melgarejo-Gomez v. Sidhu
Melgarejo-Gomez v. Sidhu
Meliambro v. Eco Oro Mineral Corp.  
Mellco Developments Ltd. v. Portage La Prairie (City)
Melles & Co. v. Holme  
Mellish v. Martinson  
Mellon (Next friend of) v. Gore Mutual Insurance Co.
Mellor v. Strata Plan VIS 2316  
Melnikov v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Melnyk v. Melnyk
Melnyk v. Strata Plan VIS 3357  
Melson v. Melson  
Melville v. Melville  
Melvin, Re  
Melvin v. Li  
Menard Estate, Re
Mendez v. Demos  
Me-N-Ed’s Pizza Parlor Ltd. v. Franterra Developments Ltd.
Menkes, Re  
Mennes v. Canadian Tire Corporation Limited  
Mennillo v. Intramodal inc.  
Mense v. Milenkovic
Mentmore Manufacturing Co. v. National Merchandise Manufacturing Co. Inc.  
Mentor Worldwide LLC v. Bosco  
Menzies v. Harlos  
Menzies v. Phillips  
Menzies v. Strata Plan NW 2924  
Mercantile Bank of Canada v. Sigurdson  
Mercantile Office Systems Private Ltd. v. Worldwide Warranty Life Services Inc.
Mercedes-Benz AG v. Leiduck
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Canada Corp. v. 1063995 B.C. Ltd.
Mercedes Benz Financial v. Wager
Mercedes-Benz of Canada Limited v. SAS Properties Ltd.
Mercer (Guardian ad litem of) v. Desmarais  
Mercer Gold Corp. (Nevada) v. Mercer Gold Corp. (B.C.)
Merchant Banking Co. v. Maud  
Merchant Law Group v. The Queen  
Mercier v. Fort St. James (Corporation)  
Mercier v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Merck & Co. v. Apotex Inc. 2006 FCA 323
Merck & Co. v. Apotex Inc.
Merck & Co. v. Nu-Pharm Inc.  
Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. v. Canada (Health)  
Mercury Marine Ltd. v. Dillon  
Meredith (c.o.b. R. Meredith Silviculture)  
Meredith & Co. v. Poloway  
Meridian Development Inc. v. Toronto Dominion Bank  
Merilus Technologies Inc.  
Merit Consultants International Ltd. v. Chandler
Merit Interior Designs (Duncan) Ltd. v. Kapila  
Merke v. Merke
Merk v. Strata Plan NW 1263  
Mernickle v. Westaway
Merrell v. Merrell  
Merrell v. Merrell  
Merrill & Ring Canadian Properties v. Assessor of Areas 1 and 6 [1990] B.C.J. No. 120 (QL) (S.C.)
Merrill Engineering Ltd., Re  
Merritt (City) v. Valnicola Motor Hotel  
Merritt v. Canada (Attorney General)
Merritt v. Doherty  
Merritt v. Imasco Enterprises Inc.  
Merry, Re
Merryweather v. Nixan
Mervilus v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)  
Mesa Operating Ltd. Partnership v. Amoco Canada Resources Ltd.
Meservy v. Field
Meslin v. Lee
Meson Capital Partners LLC v. Aberdeen International Inc. 2015 ONSC 532
Messineo v. Beale (1978), 86 D.L.R. (3d) 713 (Ont. C.A.)
Messmer (Guardian of) v. Daley  
Meszaros v. 464235 B.C. Ltd.  
Metals & Alloys Co. Ltd. v. Regional Assessment Commissioner, Region No. 11 1985 CanLII 2191 (ON CA)
Metasoft Systems Inc.  
Metcalfe v. Metcalfe  
Metcalf v. Central Mortgage and Housing Corp.
Metchosin (District) v. Metchosin Board of Variance
Metercor Inc. v. Kamloops (City) 2011 BCSC 382
Métivier v. Cadorette  
Metro Aluminum Products Ltd. v. Civic Glass Systems Inc.  
Metro-Can Construction (HS) Ltd. v. Noel Developments Ltd.
Metro-Can Construction (HS) Ltd. v. Noel Developments Ltd.  
Metro Living Zine Inc. (c.o.b. Metro Living Zine Talent Agency)  
Metropolitan Conference Centre Inc. v. Hunter
Metropolitan Fine Printers Inc.
Metropolitan Properties Co. v. Lannon  
Metropolitan Railway Co. v. Jackson  
Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corp. No. 1250 v. Mastercraft Group Inc.
Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corp. No. 747 v. Korolekh  
Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corp. No. 776 v. Gifford  
Metropolitan Trust Co. of Canada v. Dancorp Developments Ltd.
Metrotel Communications Inc.  
Metro Trust Co. v. Abacus Cities Ltd.  
Metzner v. Metzner
Metzner v. Metzner  
Metzner v. Strata Plan VR773  
Meuser v. Meuser
Mewhort v. Frimer  
Meybodi v. Residential Section, Strata Plan BCS 3261  
Meybodi v. Strata Plan EPS 869  
Meyers v. Manitoba
Meyers v. Meyers  
Meyer v. DiMambro  
Meyer v. Gordon  
Meyer v. Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. 1991 CanLII 831 (BC SC)
Meyer v. Lahm  
Meyer v. Meyer
Meyer v. Strata Corp. LMS 3080  
MFI Mobil Finance (2006) Inc. v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
MFSJ862 v. FFSJ862
MGM Grand Hotel Inc. v. Liu
MGN Constructors Inc. v. AXA Pacific Insurance Co.  
MHR Board Game Design Inc. v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. 2013 ONSC 4457
Miami Development Ltd. v. Rollick  
Miann Construction Ltd. v. British Columbia Railway Co. (1988), 32 C.L.R. 56 (B.C.S.C.)
Michael Hyde & Associates Ltd. v. J.D. Williams & Co. Ltd.
Michael P. Georgas Co. Ltd., Re  
Michaels v. British Columbia Securities Commission
Michaels v. Michaels Stores Procurement Co. 2016 FCA 88
Michael v. Minister of National Revenue  
Michael Wilson & Partners Ltd. v. Desirée Resources Inc.
Michalakis v. Nikolitsas  
Michalak v. BioTech Electronics Ltd.  
Michayluk v. Michayluk  
Michel (Litigation guardian of) v. John Doe
Michell (Guardian ad litem of) v. Michell Estate  
Michell (Public Trustee of) v. Michell  
Michell v. Emond
Michel Mizrach and Juan Carlos Quintana  
Michel v. Graydon
Michel v. The Queen
Michener v. Doris  
Michetti v. Pouce Coupe (Village)  
Michie v. Michie
Micka v. Oliver & District Community Economic Development Society 2008 BCSC 1623
Mickelson v. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Mickelson v. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP  
Mickey v. Mickey  
Microb Resources Inc. (c.o.b. Salt Spring Roasting Co.)  
Micro Chemicals Ltd. v. Smith Kline & French Inter-American Corp. [1972] SCR 506, 1971 CanLII 180 (SCC)
MicroCoal Inc. v. Livneh  
Micron Construction Ltd. v. Hong Kong Bank of Canada
Microsoft Corp. v. 9038-3746 Quebec Inc. 2006 FC 1509
Microsoft Corp. v. PC Village Co. 2009 FC 401
Microwave Cablevision Ltd. v. Harvard House Capital Ltd.  
Microwave Cablevision Ltd. v. Harvard House Capital Ltd.  
Midas Realty Corp. of Canada Inc. v. Galvic Investments Ltd.
Mid-Bowline Group Corp., Re  
Middelaer v. Delta (Corporation)  
Middelkamp v. Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
Middelkamp v. Fraser Valley Real Estate Board 1993 CanLII 2103 (BC SC)
Middelkamp v. Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
Middelkamp v. McMath  
Middlekamp v. Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
Middlesex Condominium Corp. 229 v. WMJO Ltd.
Middleton (c.o.b. Reflexology and Stress Clinic)  
Middleton v. Heerlein
Middleton v. MacPherson  
Middleton v. McMillan  
Middleton v. Ocean Tribune (The)  
Mide-Wilson v. Hungerford Tomyn Lawrenson and Nichols
Midland Bank Trust Co. v. Hett, Stubbs & Kemp  
Midland Mortgage Corp. v. Jawl & Bundon  
Midland Mortgage Corp. v. Jawl and Bundon
Midland Pacific Properties Corp. v. Chan  
Midland-Ross of Canada v. Bachan Aerospace of Canada
Midland Walwyn Capital Inc. v. Global Securities Corp.
Mid-Ohio Imported Car Co. v. Tri-K Investments Ltd.  
Mid Orient Cafe Ltd., Re  
Midway Manufacturing Co. v. Bernstein
Midwest Management (1987) Ltd. v. BC Gas Utility Ltd. 2000 BCCA 589
Midwest Properties Ltd. v. Thordarson
Mierau Construction Ltd. v. 1705 Nelson Holdings Ltd.  
MIG Group Ltd. v. Milani  
Mighty Enterprises Ltd. (c.o.b. Fresh Slice Pizza)  
Miglin v. Miglin
Mihalcuk v. Ratke  
Mihal v. Mihal  
Mikado Resources Ltd. v. Dragoon Resources Ltd.  
Mikail v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Mikaloff, Re
Mikelsteins v. Morrison Hershfield Ltd.  
Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada (Governor General in Council)
Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada (Minister of Canadian Heritage)
Miklosko v. Miklosko
Mikolayczyk (Litigation Guardian of) v. Reid  
Mikulas v. Milo European Cars Specialists Ltd. 1993 CanLII 183 (BC SC)
Mikulic v. Calvillo  
Mikulic v. Peter 2013 BCSC 941
Mikulik v. Huang  
Milacek v. Strata Plan LMS 18  
Milan Holdings
Milani v. Banks  
Milani v. Milani
Milburn v. Copperbank Resources Ltd.  
Milburn v. Phillips
Mileos v. Block Bros. Realty Ltd.  
Miles Estate, Re
Milestone Projects Ltd. v. Jones Road Holdings Inc.  
Miles v. Mendoza  
Miles v. Vince
Miley v. Abulaban
Milina v. Bartsch
Milina v. Bartsch
Milkovich v. Bucan
Milkovich v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Mill & Timber Products Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 10—North Fraser 2010 PAABBC 20101679
Millar v. Millar  
Mill Creek Developments Ltd. v. P & D Logging Ltd.  
Millennium Properties Ltd. v. West Vancouver (District)
Millennium Southeast False Creek Properties Ltd. v. British Columbia
Miller, Re  
Miller (Litigation guardian of) v. Carluccio  
Miller (Millar) v. Smith & Co.  
Miller Estate, Re
Millership v. Kamloops (City)
Miller Thomson LLP v. Hilton Worldwide Holding LLP  
Miller v. Assessor of Area 17—Penticton 2010 PAABBC 20101145
Miller v. Boughton
Miller v. Brian Ross Motor Sports Corp.  
Miller v. British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority  
Miller v. Budzinski 2004 BCSC 1730
Miller v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. 2003 BCSC 258
Miller v. Cox
Miller v. Davis Lumber Co.  
Miller v. Decker  
Miller v. Emil Anderson Maintenance Co. Ltd.  
Miller v. Lavoie  
Miller v. Lawlor  
Miller v. Lougheed Ventures Ltd.  
Miller v. Mellaart  
Miller v. Merck Frosst Canada Ltd.
Miller v. Miller  
Miller v. Miller  
Miller v. Miller  
Miller v. Miller Estate
Miller v. Millir
Miller v. Minister of Pensions  
Miller v. Norris
Miller v. Resurreccion  
Miller v. Salmon Arm (District)  
Miller v. The Union of British Columbia Performers
Miller v. TRIUMF
Miller v. Turney
Miller v. Walters
Miller v. White Truck Sales Quesnel Ltd.
Milliken v. Rowe
Millman v. Ross
Millott Estate v. Reinhard
Mills v. Baitis  
Mills v. Eglin  
Mills v. Gool  
Mills v. Graham  
Mills v. Mills  
Mills v. Millward  
Mills v. Powar  
Mill v. Mill
Millwick Financial Corp. v. Booth  
Milly v. Kapelus  
Milne Estate, Re
Milne Estate v. Milne
Milner v. Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia
Milne v. Dorais  
Milne v. MacDonald Estate
Milne v. Milne  
Milne v. Saltspring Island Rod and Gun Club  
Milroy v. Lord
Milsom v. Corporate Computers Inc.  
Miluzzi v. York Condominium Corp. No. 60  
Milwarde-Yates v. Sipila
Minasyan v. Strata Plan LMS 3845  
Minchau v. Busse  
Minchin v. Movsessian
Minckler v. Minckler
Mineault v. Kamloops (City)  
Min-En Laboratories Ltd. v. North Vancouver Board of Variance
Min-En Laboratories Ltd. v. Westley Mines Ltd.
Minera Aquiline Argentina SA v. IMA Exploration Inc.
Minge v. J.W. Oak Furniture Imports Ltd.  
Minghetti v. Interstyle Ceramic Industries Ltd.  
Mingxi Yu v. Maiwand Ahmadzai  
Minhas v. Sartor  
Minhas v. Virk
Mini Move Inc.  
Miningsky Technology Ltd.  
MiningWatch Canada v. Canada (Minister of Fisheries and Oceans)
Minister of Forests v. Assessor of Area 23—Kamloops 2000 PAABBC 20002604
Minister of Justice of Canada v. Borowski  
Minister of National Revenue v. American Express Bank Ltd.  
Minister of National Revenue v. Coopers and Lybrand  
Minister of National Revenue v. Pillsbury Holdings Ltd.  
Minister of National Revenue v. Sharp  
Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. v. Empire Brass Manufacturing Co.  
Minnes v. Minnes  
Minnie v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Minshull v. Minshull  
Minster Enterprises Ltd. v. Richmond (City)  
Minter (c.o.b. Total Roofing)  
Minto Construction Ltd. v. Gerling Global General Insurance Co.  
Mintz Estate, Re
Miolla v. Miolla
Miracle Feeds v. D. & H. Enterprises Ltd.
Miramichi Investments Ltd. v. Galerie Walter Klinkhoff Inc.
Miranda v. Miranda  
Mirehouse v. Rennell  
Miron v. Trudel  
Mirsayah v. Pajouh
Mirus v. Mirus
Mirzai-Sheshjavani v. Ho
Mirza v. Mirza  
Mirza v. Mirza  
Mirzayeva v. Campbell  
Mischke v. Mischke Estate  
Miscisco v. Strata Council VR 1620  
Misener v. H.L. Misener and Son Ltd.  
Mishkin (Trustee of) v. Roddy Diprima Ltd.
Misic v. Misic
Miske v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mission (District) v. Assessor of Area 13—Dewdney-Alouette 1992 CanLII 348 (BC SC)
Mission Creek Mortgage Ltd. v. Angleland Holdings Inc.
Mission Creek Mortgage Ltd. v. New Recreations Ltd.
Mission Institution v. Khela
Mission to Seafarers v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver Sea to Sky 2007 PAABBC 20070020
Mister Broadloom Corporation (1968) Ltd. v. Bank of Montreal  
Mitchell, Re  
Mitchell (Guardian ad litem of) v. James  
Mitchell Estate, Re
Mitchell Estate, Re  
Mitchell Repair Information Co. L.L.C. v. Long 2014 FC 562
Mitchell v. Assessor of Area 20—Vernon 2012 PAABBC 20112434
Mitchell v. Assessor of Area 8—North Shore-Squamish Valley 2001 PAABBC 20014906
Mitchell v. British Columbia (Director of Employment Standards)
Mitchell v. British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles)  
Mitchell v. Fonseca  
Mitchell v. Fournier  
Mitchell v. Iberg  
Mitchell v. M.N.R.
Mitchell v. Mitchell
Mitchell v. Mitchell
Mitchell v. Mitchell  
Mitchell v. Peguis Indian Band  
Mitchell v. Pines  
Mitchell v. Saunders  
Mitchell v. Strata Plan BCS 2704  
Mitchell v. Strata Plan KAS 1202  
Mitchell v. Strata Plan VR 284  
Mitchinson v. Strata Plan VR 1120  
Mitchum Estate (Re) v. Wolfin
Mitha v. Strata Plan VR 2192  
Mitrunen v. Anthes Equipment Ltd.  
Mitrux Services Ltd.  
Mitsui & Co. (Canada) Ltd. v. A & R Metal Industries Ltd.  
Mittelberg v. Evans  
Mitusev v. General Motors Corp.  
Miura v. Miura
Miura v. Miura  
MIV Therapeutics Inc.  
MJB Enterprises Ltd. v. Defence Construction (1951) Ltd. [1999] 1 SCR 619, 1999 CanLII 677 (SCC)
Mladjo v. Etheridge
ML Plaza Holdings Ltd. v. Imperial Oil Ltd. 2006 BCSC 352
MM Fund v. Excelsior Mining Corp.  
MNP Ltd. v. Wilkes  
Moazzen-Ahmadi v. Ahmadi-Far
Moberg v. Cleveland  
Mobile Exchange, Inc. v. Moneyflow Capital Corporation
Mobil Oil Canada Ltd. v. Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board  
Mocharski v. Ly  
Mochinski v. Trendline Industries Ltd.  
Moco Management Ltd. v. Llernam Holdings Ltd.  
Mode Properties Ltd. v. Esposito
Modern Decorator Inc. v. White  
Modern Leasing Co. Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver 2001 PAABBC 20015443
Modonese v. Delac Estate
Modular Products Ltd. v. Aristocratic Plywoods Ltd.  
Moellenbeck v. TRW Vehicle Safety Systems Inc.  
Moen v. Assessor of Area 10—North Fraser 2012 PAABBC 20111467
Moffat v. Wetstein 1996 CanLII 8009 (ON SC)
Moffet v. Ruttan  
Moge v. Moge
Mohajeriko v. Gandomi
Mohajer v. Mohagheghi  
Mohamadi v. Tremblay  
Mohamed v. Hunyadi  
Mohamed v. Intransit BC Limited Partnership
Mohamed v. Intransit BC Limited Partnership  
Mohamed v. Martone  
Mohammadi v. Mohammadi
Mohammed v. Canadian Northern Shield Insurance Co.  
Mohammed v. Hunyadi  
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne v. Canada (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)  
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte v. Brant
Mohl v. British Columbia  
Mohl v. Puhallo  
Mohl v. Univeristy of British Columbia  
Mohn v. Dreiser
Mohr v. Dent
Moini v. Liang  
Moiny Estate, Re
Moir v. The Corporation of the Village of Huntingdon  
Mokanasingham v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mokelky Estate, Re  
Mok v. Strata Plan BCS 3495  
Mok v. Strata Plan VR 456  
Mok v. Wong
Moldovan v. Republic Western Insurance Co.  
Moldowan v. Moldowan  
Molero Colina v. Chan  
Molison v. Niedermayer
Mollaei v. Luo  
Mollard v. Assessor of Area 1—Capital 2007 PAABBC 20071621
Mollins v. R  
Molloy, Re  
Moll v. Parmar
Molly B. Stevens, Re
Molnar v. Hardham  
Molnar v. Molnar
Molodowich v. Penttinen
Molson Inc. (Bankruptcy), Re  
Molson v. Vitale Corp. v. Canadian American Assn. of Professional Baseball Ltd.  
Momot v. Momot  
Momo’s Kitchen Ltd.
Momo’s Kitchen Ltd. v. Canadian Food Inspection Agency  
Monachese v. Tri Phi Holdings Ltd.
Monaghan v. Creston (Town)  
Monahan Estate v. Nelson
Monahan v. Yang
Monarch Beauty Supply Co.  
Monarch Beauty Supply Co. Ltd.  
Monarch Mechanical Ltd. v. BSC Construction Corporation  
Monarch Trust Co. v. Low  
Monashee Enterprises Ltd. v. British Columbia (Minister of Recreation and Conservation)  
Monchelsea Investments Ltd.
Moneco Ltd. v. Commonwealth Insurance Co.  
Monenco Ltd. v. Commonwealth Insurance Co.  
Monette v. M.N.R.  
Monette v. the Queen
Money’s Mushrooms, Re  
Mong Alter Ego Trust No. 1 v. Yip
Mongolie Grill  
Monkhouse v. Finnex Agencies Ltd.  
Monk v. Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. (Lindsay)
Monk v. Monk  
Monocrest Kitchens Ltd. v. Evans
Monroe v. Emerson  
Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser
Monsanto v. Canada (Health)  
Monster Energy Company v. Craig  
Montador v. Cerenzia
Montagnon (c.o.b. Brentwood Brake and Muffler)  
Montague v. Long  
Montalban, Re  
Montalbetti v. Montalbetti  
Montalbo v. Royal Bank of Canada  
Montcalm Aggregates Ltd. v. Maple Ridge (District)
Monteiro v. Monteiro
Monteiro v. Toronto Dominion Bank
Monteith v. Monteith  
Montesuma v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)  
Montgomery v. Atmore  
Montgomery v. Flood  
Montgomery v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Montgomery v. Montgomery
Montgomery v. Shell Canada Ltd.  
Montgomery v. Strata Plan NW 3032  
Montgomery v. Strata Plan VIS 2036  
Montgomery v. Williamson  
Montor Business Corp. (Trustee of) v. Goldfinger
Montpellier v. Montpellier  
Montréal (City) v. 2952-1366 Québec Inc.  
Montreal Street Railway Co. v. Normandin  
Montreal Tramways Co. v. Brillant  
Montreal Tramways Co. v. Leveille  
Montreal Tramways Co. v. Séguin  
Montreal Trust Co. of Canada v. Andrezejewski 1994 CanLII 16715 (MB QB)
Montreal Trust Co. of Canada v. Birmingham Lodge Ltd.
Montreal Trust Co. of Canada v. Maxham
Montreal Trust Co. of Canada v. Occo Developments Ltd.
Montreal Trust Co. of Canada v. ScotiaMcLeod Inc.
Montreal Trust Co. v. Brown  
Montreal Trust Co. v. Coombes  
Montreal Trust Co. v. Montreal Trust Co. of Canada 1988 CanLII 3020 (BC CA)
Montreal Trust Co. v. Richards
Montreal v. Montreal Locomotive Ironworks Ltd.  
Montreuil v. R.  
Montroyal Estates Ltd. v. D.J.C.A. Investments Ltd.  
Monument Mining Ltd. v. Balendran Chong & Bodi
Moody Estate, Re  
Moody Estate v. Cavenaile  
Moody v. Scott  
Moojelsky v. Strata Plan K 323  
Moon Dancer Fishing v. Tryon
Moon Development Corp. v. Pirooz
Mooney v. Orr
Mooney v. Orr  
Moon v. Golden Bear Mining Ltd.
Moon v. Moon
Moore, Re  
Moore Estate, Re 2013 MBQB 82
Moore Estate, Re
Moorefield Excavating v. Municipality of Arran-Elderslie v. Genivar Consultants 2012 ONSC 1744
Moore Holdings Ltd. v. Follett, Gosse & Associates Ltd.  
Moore International (Canada) Ltd. v. Carter 1984 CanLII 518 (BC SC)
Moore v. 7595611 Canada Corp.  
Moore v. Apollo Health & Beauty Care  
Moore v. British Columbia (Ministry of Education)  
Moore v. British Columbia (Securities Commission)
Moore v. Brown  
Moore v. Dhillon  
Moore v. Dhillon  
Moore v. Drummond
Moore v. Expansion Holdings Ltd.
Moore v. Fordham  
Moore v. Getahun
Moore v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Moore v. Kyba
Moore v. Large  
Moore v. Moore  
Moore v. Moore  
Moore v. NextEnergy Inc.  
Moore v. P/R Hoegh Musketeer  
Moore v. R.  
Moore v. RFID Systems Corp.  
Moore v. Saanich (District)
Moore v. Strata Plan KAS 353  
Moore v. Sweet
Moore v. The Law Society of British Columbia
Moore v. Tse  
Moorgate Mercantile Holdings Ltd., Re  
Moose River Resources Inc. v. Atlantic Mining NS Inc.  
Mop Squad Building Services Inc.  
Moquin v. Fitt
Moradkhan v. Mofidi
Morales v. Puri
Moralis (Pielak) v. Pielak
Morandini v. Morandini  
Moran v. Fabrizi  
Morasse v. Nadeau-Dubois  
Morbank Financial Inc. v. 0476779  
Morck v. Morck
Morden v. Pasternak
Morden v. Pasternak  
Morden v. Porter  
Morden v. Toor  
Mordo v. HSBC Bank Canada  
Mordo v. Nitting
Mordo v. Nitting
Moreau-Bérubé v. New Brunswick (Judicial Council)  
Moreau v. Moreau
Moreira v. Crichton
Moreland v. Sutherland
Morelli v. Burkhart
Morelli v. Morelli  
Morel v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
More Marine Ltd.
More Marine Ltd. v. Alcan Inc.
More Marine Ltd. v. Shearwater Marine Ltd.
More Marine Ltd. v. Western King (The)  
Moresby Explorers Ltd. v. Canada (Attorney General)  
Moreton v. Moreton  
More v. Bauer Nike Hockey Inc.
More v. More Estate  
More v. Rutledge
Morey v. Lemon
Morey v. Morey
Morgadinho v. Morgadinho
Morgan (Estate) v. Morgan  
Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York v. Outerbridge 1990 CanLII 6818 (ON SC)
Morgan v. BC Transit  
Morgan v. Cowper-Smith
Morgan v. Edwards
Morgan v. Galbraith
Morgan v. Monk Office Supply Ltd.  
Morgan v. Morgan
Morgan v. Morgan  
Morgan v. Morgan Estate  
Morgan v. Pengelly Estate
Morgan v. Spallumcheen (Township of)
Morgan v. Strata Plan 704  
Morgan v. Strata Plan KAS 1462  
Morgan v. Vancouver (City)
Morgenstern v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Morguard Investments Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 12—Coquitlam
Morguard Investments Ltd. v. De Savoye
Morguard Real Estate Investment Trust v. Davidson  
Morguard Trust Co. v. Faulkner  
Moriarty v. London, Chatham & Dover R. Co.  
Morican v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Morigeau v. Moorey
Morin (Committee of) v. Chan  
Morin v. 0865580 B.C. Ltd.
Morin v. Morin
Morin v. Rochon  
Morin v. Strata Plan VR 279
Morin v. Surrey (District)  
Morishita v. Richmond (Township)  
Mori v. Lobb  
Mori v. Lobb  
Mork v. Bombauer  
Morlacci v. British Columbia (Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources)  
Morlan v. Barrett
Morley v. London Condominium Corp. 2  
Mormac Investments Ltd. v. Andres Wines Ltd.  
Morningstar v. R.  
Morrell (c.o.b. Nelson’s Firewood Sales)  
Morrey Nissan, a division of White Spot Service Ltd.  
Morrie Sacks Law Corp. v. Korbin  
Morris, Re [1971] P. 62
Morris Funeral Service Ltd., Re
Morrison, Re
Morrison (Committee of) v. Cormier Vegetation Control Ltd.
Morrison Estate, Re
Morrison Estate, Re  
Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc. v. British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority [1974] B.C.J. No. 772 (QL) (S.C.)
Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc. v. British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority (No. 2)
Morrison-Knudsen Co. Inc. v. British Columbia Hydro and Power
Morrison-Knudsen Co. v. British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority  
Morrison-Knudsen International Co. v. Commonwealth of Australia  
Morrisonn v. Kaaringten  
Morrison v. Canadian Surety Co.  
Morrison v. Coast Finance Ltd.
Morrison v. Greenwood  
Morrison v. Greig  
Morrison v. Hicks
Morrison v. Hooper  
Morrison v. Moore  
Morrison v. Morrison
Morrison v. Morrison  
Morrison v. Ontario Speed Skating Assn.  
Morrison v. Pankratz  
Morrison v. Percy  
Morrison v. Van Den Tillaart
Morrison v. Weller  
Morrison Voss v. Smith
Morrissette v. Smith  
Morriss v. British Columbia 2007 BCCA 337
Morriss v. British Columbia  
Morriss v. Cuttler  
Morriss v. Harper Grey Easton  
Morriss v. Winter  
Morris v. ACL Services Ltd.  
Morris v. British Columbia (Workers’ Compensation Board)
Morris v. Bundy  
Morris v. Canada  
Morris v. Fletcher
Morris v. Ford Motor Co.  
Morris v. John Doe
Morris v. Johnson 2012 ONSC 5824 (Master)
Morris v. Kanssen  
Morris v. Morris  
Morris v. Morris  
Morris v. Morris  
Morris v. Rose Estate  
Morris v. Strata Plan NW 3338  
Morris v. Strata Plan NW 3338 (No. 2)  
Morris v. Wilson Blanchard Management Inc.  
Morrow Estate, Re  
Morrow v. Greenglass  
Morrow v. Kakule  
Morrow v. Law Society (British Columbia)  
Morse v. McIntosh  
Mort and Power v. Le
Mortel Development Co. v. Cottyn Construction Ltd.  
Mortil v. International Phasor Telecom Ltd.  
Mortimer v. Bender
Mortimer v. Cameron
Mortimer v. Dickey  
Mortimer v. Vedovato  
Morton Estate, Re  
Morton v. Canadian Northern Shield Co.  
Morton v. Christian
Morton v. Harper Grey Easton  
Morton v. Marine Harvest Canada Inc.  
Morton v. McCracken
Morton v. National Trust Co.
Morton v. Quesnel (City)  
Morton v. Thorpe  
Mort v. Board of School Trustees  
Morvay v. Warke
Moschi v. Lep Air Services Ltd.
Moseley-Williams v. Hansler Industries Ltd. 2004 CanLII 66313 (ON SC)
Moser v. Clark  
Moser v. Mackie  
Moses v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)  
Moses v. Kim
Moses v. Lower Nicola Indian Band 2015 BCCA 61
Moses v. Macferlan
Moses v. Shore Boat Builders Ltd.
Mosimann v. Guliker  
Moskaleva v. Laurie
Moskun v. Toronto-Dominion Bank
Moslinger v. Moslinger  
Mosquito Creek Marina v. Malecek  
Moss & Enochian v. Brown  
Moss v. Blane  
Moss v. Chin
Moss v. College of Opticians of British Columbia  
Moss v. Gallimore  
Mostyn v. Schmiing
Mother 1 v. Solus Trust Co.
Mothe v. Silva
Motion Works Group Ltd.  
Motoretta v. Twist & Go Power Sports 2014 ONSC 2469
Mott Electric Ltd. v. De Cotiis Properties Ltd.  
Mottershead v. Burdwood Bay Settlement Co.
Mott v. Leasehold Strata Plan LMS 2185 (UBC Properties Inc.)
Mott v. Pacific National Exhibition  
Mott v. PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.  
Motyka v. Motyka
Motz Bros. Holdings Ltd. v. McKean  
Mouait v. Fortin  
Moulton Contracting Ltd. v. Behn
Moulton Contracting Ltd. v. British Columbia
Moulton v. Warren  
Mountain Development Corp. v. McCrodan  
Mountainstar Gold Inc. v. British Columbia Securities Commission  
Mountain View Christian Academy  
Mountain Village Developments Ltd. v. Engineered Homes Ltd.  
Mountain West Resources Ltd. v. Fitzgerald  
Mount Citadel Ltd. v. Ibar Developments Ltd.  
Mount Sinai Hospital Centre v. Quebec (Minister of Health and Social Services)  
Moure v. Strata Plan NW 2099  
Mousa v. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.  
Mousseau v. Mousseau
Mouvement laïque québécois v. Saguenay (City)
Movahed v. Leung
Movassaghi v. Aghtai  
Mowat Estate v. Buchanan  
Mowatt v. British Columbia (Attorney General)
Mowat v. Dudas
Mowi Canada West Inc. v. Canada (Fisheries, Oceans and Coast Guard)  
Moxness v. Saskatchewan Government Insurance Office  
Moxsom v. Canada  
Moyer v. Bosshart
Moyes v. Ollerich Estate  
Moyls Estate, Re
Moynihan v. Nakano
MPA Construction (1986) Ltd. v. Ledcor  
MP v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mr. Quick Pump Ltd. v. Canadian Northern Shield Insurance Co.  
Mr. Shields  
Mr. T. International Agencies Ltd. v. Deol  
Mr. T. International Agencies Ltd. v. Deol
MR Fire Protection Ltd. v. United Assn. of Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local 170
Mroz v. Mroz
Mrs. Convenience - Meat, Hot Pot & BBQ Specialty Store Ltd.  
MRS Trust Co. v. Nosek  
MSI Methylation Sciences, Inc. v. Quark Venture Inc.  
MSL Properties Ltd. v. Canada Place Inc.  
Mt. Cheam Developments Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 23—Kamloops
Mt. Cheam Developments Ltd. v. Clark (1988), 32 C.L.R. 273 (B.C.S.C.)
Mt. Lehman Holdings Ltd. v. Berry Brook Farms Ltd.  
Mt. Rocky Investment Ltd.
MTA Canada Royalty Corp. v. Compania Minera Pangea, S.A. de C.V.  
MT Amateur Sports Publications Ltd.  
MTC Electronic Technologies Co., Re  
MTC Electronic Technologies Co. v. Alpha Capital Group Ltd.  
MTK Auto West Ltd. v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Mudhar v. Brar  
Mudrie v. Grove  
Mudry v. Minhas  
Mueck and Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Mueller v. Morris  
Mueller v. Mueller  
Muirhead, Re  
Muirhead v. Muirhead  
Muir v. Alberta
Muir v. Alberta  
Muir v. Muir  
Muise v. Whalen 1990 CanLII 4205 (NS SC)
Muis v. Alekson  
Mu-Jin Restaurant and Pub Ltd. (c.o.b. Yoro Japanese Restaurant and Lulu Island Bar and Grill)  
Mular v. Lawrence
Mulcahy v. Farmers Insurance Co.  
Mulcahy v. Farmers Insurance Co. of Washington
Mulder Estate, Re  
Mulgrave School Foundation, Re  
Mulholland (Guardian ad litem of) v. Riley Estate
Muljo v. Sunwest Projects Ltd.
Mullens v. Toor  
Muller v. Muller  
Muller v. O’Flynn
Muller v. Strata Plan EPS 4420  
Muller v. Workman  
Mullett (Litigation guardian of) v. Gentles  
Mullican v. Steuart
Mulligan v. Stephenson  
Mullins v. Levy
Mullin v. Thomson Newspapers Co. (1995), 104 Man. R. (2d) 90 (Q.B.)
Mulloy v. Hop Sang  
Multani (c.o.b. K-P Labour Contractors)  
Multiactive Software Inc. v. Advanced Service Solutions Inc.  
Multimedia Global Management v. Soroudi
Multiple Access Ltd. v. McCutcheon
Muncaster v. Nunnenmacher  
Munday v. Munday  
Mund v. Braun  
Munholland v. Bell  
Municipal Insurance Assn. of British Columbia v. British Columbia (Information and Privacy Commissioner)  
Munro, Re
Munro (c.o.b. Sooter Studio 25)  
Munroe, Re
Munroe Estate, Re
Munro Estate, Re  
Munroe v. Elisseeva
Munro v. Jaehrlich  
Munro v. James  
Munro v. Munro  
Munro v. Munro Estate
Munro v. Strata Plan BCS 2590  
Munro v. Thompson  
Munro v. Winton  
Munster & Sons Developments Ltd. v. Shaw
Muraca v. Dunsmore  
Murano v. Bank of Montreal  
Murao v. Blackcomb Skiing Enterprises Ltd.
Murarka v. British Columbia (Assessor of Area #11 – Richmond/Delta)  
Murchie v. Cadillac Fairview Corp.
Murchie v. Murchie  
Murphy, Battista v. Tejani (Guardian ad litem of)
Murphy, Re  
Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd.  
Murphy v. British Columbia (Chief Election Officer)  
Murphy v. Canada  
Murphy v. Canadian Telecommunications Employees’ Association  
Murphy v. Columere Park Developments Ltd.  
Murphy v. Corry  
Murphy v. Hofer  
Murphy v. Murphy
Murphy v. Murphy
Murphy v. Perger
Murphy v. Shortt  
Murphy v. Snippa  
Murphy v. St. Catharines General Hospital  
Murphy v. The Queen
Murphy v. Wynne
Murray Estate  
Murrayfield Developments Ltd. v. Brandon
Murray McDermid Holdings Ltd. v. Thater
Murray Purcha & Son Ltd. v. Barriere (District)
Murray v. Bitango
Murray v. Galuska
Murray v. Harrison
Murray v. Hough  
Murray v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia  
Murray v. McMurchy  
Murray v. Neufeld  
Murray v. Quinn
Murray v. Roty (1983), 147 D.L.R. (3d) 438 (Ont. C.A.)
Murray v. Saskatoon  
Murray v. Sperry Rand Corp. 1979 CanLII 2133 (ON SC)
Murrell v. Simon Fraser University  
Murrin Construction Ltd. v. All-Span Engineering and Construction Ltd.  
Muscardin v. Strata Plan LMS 3758  
Muschinski v. Dodds
Muscillo v. Bulk Transfer Systems Inc.  
Musgrove v. Elliot
Mushroom Farm Inc. v. Trike Ranch Inc.  
Mushta v. Best  
Musqueam Holdings Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver 1996 CanLII 4018 (BC SC)
Musqueam Holdings Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver 1998 CanLII 3367 (BC SC)
Musqueam Indian Band Board of Review v. Musqueam Indian Band
Musqueam Indian Band v. Assessor of Area 9—Vancouver Sea to Sky 2010 PAABBC 20091957
Musqueam Indian Band v. Canada (Governor in Council)
Musqueam Indian Band v. Glass
Mussallem Realty Ltd. v. Assessor of Area 13—Dewdney-Alouette 1993 CanLII 2205 (BC CA)
Mussche v. Voortman Cookies Ltd.  
Musson v. 444256 BC Ltd. 2001 BCSC 1401
Mustaji v. Tjin
Mustapha v. Culligan of Canada Ltd.
Mutch v. Huestis  
Muth Estate v. Liesch  
Mutty-loll Seal v. Annundochunder Sandle  
Mutual Life Assurance Co. v. Boban Construction Ltd.
Mutual Life Assurance Co. v. Polsky Energy Corp. of Brooklyn  
Mutual Trust Co. v. 1901 Management Ltd.  
Mu v. Insurance Corp. of British Columbia
Muzzillo v. Muzzillo
MWH International, Inc. v. Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co.
Myatt v. Myatt  
Myer Franks Agencies Ltd. v. Vancouver (City)  
Myers, Re  
Myers v. Elman
Myers v. Gallo  
Myers v. Myers  
Mykonos Taverna (c.o.b. Achillion Restaurant)  
Myles Enterprises Ltd. v. Atlas Painting & Decorating Ltd.  
Myles-Leger Ltd. (Trustee of) v. 755165 Ontario Inc.
Mymryk v. Canada  
Mynott v. Coquitlam School District No. 43
Myriad Projects Ltd. v. Vernon (City)  
Myron Balagno & Associates Ltd. v. Rajan  
P.R.M. v. B.J.M.
R.M. v. N.M.
S.D.M. v. B.R.M.
S.M. v. R.M.
S.R.M. v. I.A.M.
S.R.M. v. N.G.T.M.