Manoocheri v. Doe
- 2023 BCSC 2056
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 2. Commencing and Defending a Motor Vehicle Action
VI. Identify the Parties to a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim [§2.15]
E. Defendants to a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim [§2.30]
- 5. ICBC or Other Insurers as Defendants to a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim [§2.35]
E. Defendants to a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim [§2.30]
VI. Identify the Parties to a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim [§2.15]
Chapter 4. Discovery
III. Examination for Discovery in a Civil Action [§4.57]
- B. The Person to Be Examined for Discovery [§4.64]
III. Examination for Discovery in a Civil Action [§4.57]
Chapter 2. Commencing and Defending a Motor Vehicle Action