Morrison v. Percy
- [1988] B.C.J. No. 2311 (QL) (S.C.)
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 7. Uninsured Motorists
III. Accidents in British Columbia Caused by Uninsured Motorists [§7.3]
B. Procedure under Section 20 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act [§7.13]
- 1. Prosecuting a Claim under Section 20 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act [§7.14]
B. Procedure under Section 20 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act [§7.13]
III. Accidents in British Columbia Caused by Uninsured Motorists [§7.3]
Chapter 7. Uninsured Motorists