McCorkill v. McCorkill Estate
- 2014 NBQB 148
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2015 NBCA 50
- Go to CanLII for full text
- 2016 CanLII 34017 (SCC)
- Go to CanLII for full text
The above case is referenced within:
British Columbia Probate and Estate Administration Practice Manual
(Current to: February 01 2024)
Chapter 1. Initial Advice for the Personal Representative
III. Preparing to Make the Application for Estate Grant [§1.31]
C. Reviewing the Deceased’s Will and Advising on Its Terms [§1.46]
- 4. Gifts under the Will That Are Void, Revoked, or Have Lapsed [§1.57]
C. Reviewing the Deceased’s Will and Advising on Its Terms [§1.46]
III. Preparing to Make the Application for Estate Grant [§1.31]
Chapter 1. Initial Advice for the Personal Representative